The White Room

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"Stay away!" She screamed as she covered her left eye, her blue eye.

"Stay away! Leave me alone!"

She kept trashing her shackled arms and legs in the air. She covered her blue eye leaving the dark brown one darting in alert over the white walls, the white tiles on the floor, the white sky above her head.

Tears streamed down her face: whether she closed and covered her "seeing" eye, she could still feel them touching her, pulling her cloths and hair, grabbing to have a piece of skin.

She kept crying and screaming when the door opened and the people in white came rushing in.

"Make them go away!" She told them. "Help me!"

They started talking to each other; she could hear them, but only a few words past her ears: "...diagnosis...drugs...hallucinations...last treatment...unsuccessful..."

"Help me!" She begged. Nobody listened to her.

Then someone came in carrying a syringe in a plastic bag.

She kept screaming harder. She didn't want to sleep anymore. All she wanted was for them to stop grabbing at her.

The girl with the syringe opened the plastic bag and took it out, filled it with some weird-looking liquid, and handed it to the person in the center of the group. He looked at her for a second and turned to the rest of the group, seaming to give orders.

Three people turned their pale faces towards her and started walking cautiously; one of them even put his hands up to show he didn't hide anything.

But she didn't care. She wanted them-the real and the fake-away.

When the persons approaching her tried to grab her arms and legs, she screamed louder, her vocal cords hurting, but she couldn't care less.

Then a girl firmly took the arm she used to cover her blue eye and pealed it off from her face. Taken by surprise, she stopped screaming and watched what she so badly didn't want to see.

She was petrified by the giant bugs crawling over her legs and-when she looked up-she could see centipedes meters long walking on the walls and cockroaches ten times bigger bitting bits and pieces off of people's head in the room. She could feel hot liquid seeping from under her and when she looked, blood covered the entire floor. When she looked up, the room was painted a dark and rich red. The metallic smell lingered in the air and she felt herself gag at it. The dead came staggering up from the pool of blood. She could see there black holes that replaced there eyes and their tongues hanging loosely from teeth-less mouths. They came towards her, their members crumbling apart as they walked. They grabbed at her hair, her face, her arms, her legs, her cloths-everything! She could feel panic bubble in the pit in her stomach until she recognized one of them, the un-dead.

She froze.

It couldn't possibly be.


But it wasn't him. Not anymore. Her brother was dead. She killed him, at least that's what they all said. But she had seen it. The fake-bugs crawling over him as he screamed for her help, because the pain of them eating him was unbearable. He was just like the others now : soulless, dead. Like her mother. Like her dad. Like Lucy. In fact, she could see them all around her, dead, still screaming for her.

And then as suddenly as they appeared, they disappeared and all that was left was laughter and the smell of blood in the air.

"You scared yet?"

She looked over to her left, from where the voice had came.

He was sitting there on a throne of skulls. Some still had eyes in them. Green, brown, gold. Some were blue. Like her's. Blood slipped through some off them.

He was sitting there like nothing had just happened. He was holding a glass of dark red whine and looked very absorbed in the ripples he created with his black fingernail.

Blood, was the first thing she could think of. It was everywhere anyway.

He suddenly turned his head towards her and let the glass fall with a light breaking sound. The glass pieces soon sinked into the pool of red.

"That was your mom's blood," he said exposing his cannibal teeth.

She kept staring at him as he came down from his throne elegantly.

"Oh come on! Gimme a little reaction darling," He winked.

He kept walking, more like floating, towards her and she starred, paralyzed with horror and fear.

"No?" He said with a pout of his lips. He slid a finger down her face and to the tip of her chin, deeply starring in her eyes. She could only look back into his red ones as sweat trickled down her face. She couldn't believe he was back. Mixed emotions swirled in her mind.

"I missed your pretty face," he whispered. He pressed his forehead to hers and she flinched away.

"Don't be scared of me... Just of the hallucinations."

"Why...?" She finally said in a tiny voice. He sighed. "It's complicated darling."

He smashed his lips to her's in evident hurry and need. When he pulled back, she saw the guy with the syringe come to her and put it right in her kneck. She could feel liquid seep in her veins and darkness slowly take over her body. She looked over at red eyes staring at her with a sad smile and felt her eyelids slowly fall.

"See you when you wake up..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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