smokey no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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   Hi my name is Amy and I'm going to tell you how my dog smokey died, and I got duchess

       Chapter 1

         It's a warm summer morning in Brownsville Tennessee. But for Amy CHAY LOPES it was another fun day with her grandmother CECELIA MAIN KOMEN. Amy would always getup at 7:30am she would wake up to ply stomp the chomp. Around 8:00am she would feed her dog CLO. Around 8:30 Amy and her grandmother would start breakfast. At 9:00 every day her youngest sister Tamara CHAY LOPES would get up and she would always yell at every one for no reason. Which really got on her nerve.  But Amy would always love her nevertheless.

    Chapter 2

Today  was not as fun as every other day thought  Amy.      her grandmother Cecelia and her grandfather Macon Simon  Kent were quiet, to quiet. So as Amy being suspicious she asked what was wrong. But no one answered. There was complete silence. Amy new that there was something wrong,and is determined  to find out.

      Today was the last day that they would be in Brownsville Tennessee. there was so much that she wanted to do and only so much time left. When Tamara woke up at 9:00 and she even thought something was wrong. And once more I asked what was wrong, but this time Macon said something. But what he said made me want to cry. He said that smokey died. That he was hit by a car. And that the man that hit him didn't even stop.

Chapter 3

    Amy was filled up with anger but at the same time sadness . But in Tamara she was filled with sadness. Amy was so over whelmed that he yelled a horrible sound. Amy had scared her whole family half to death. They all had a horrified look on their faces. She ran in her room and locked it. And in her dairy she wrote:

              Dear dairy

              My life is horrible. First my great grandmother

      cookie mamal (Betty) dies. And my dog smokey dies.

              And to top that off my cats die, and I have to leave

              this place. And this place suits me And the one

               thing that tops everything else I scared my whole

                family. Now they're probably going to sign me

              to an Insane peoples home.


                                                  Good bye for now

                                                          Amy  CHAY LOPES   

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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