The adventure starts....

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Robin woke to the sound of clashing pans in the kitchen so she guessed it was just auntie making breakfast, but it was only 1:30 in the morning "Auntie wouldn't be making breakfast this early" Robin whispered to herself. So she got up and peeked out her door all she saw was pure darkness, but then a flicker of light came from downstairs. Robin had always been the curios one of the three. So she walked to her brother Lenon's room. As she opened the door he was sleeping as soundly as a bear in winter. " how can he be sleeping? There was just a loud crash in the kitchen " Robin thought to herself. So lenon never woke up so she decided to go and see if her sister was up. When she got to Alex's room she peeked in and saw no one. " Where is she" Robin whispered to herself.She walked over to the stairs and heard the door close.

As she got to the bottom Robin saw something moving under the pans as she walked over. She lifted one and Tokyo sprang out onto her. " tokyo what the crap are you doing." Tokyo got off of her and said " sorry i thought you were the person who broke in and oh i made this mess so that the guy would get scared and leave and he did but with Alex" " oh ok well good job we better clean up then go find alex"

After they finished cleaning up they went to put a note on lenons nightstand telling him and aunt josie where they had gone. but as they opened the door lenon was getting on his back-pack filled full with stuff. " oh hey guys im ready to go find Alex now lets go " So then they decided he could come and they put the note on aunties phone and headed downstiars with full back packs. " well is everyone ready" asked tokyo. they both agreed as they opened the door with their flashlight in hand and tokyo's carrier in lenons other hand. They steped out the door and th adventure had .... begun.

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