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Natalia Tayler

I sat on my couch watching some dumb TV shows not catching that much, as I was about to flip the channel I received a text from my sister Anika saying 'dumbass get up and head over to my apartment' and me being my rude self-replied with a simple 'why', within one second of that text I received yet another text from her saying 'I have food',  I quickly shot up out of my comfy position on the couch and ran to my closet to pick a better outfit than SpongeBob pajama shorts. I picked up a pair of leggings and smelt them to make sure their safe to ware, and slipped on an oversized Yale sweatshirt and topped it with some dad socks and crocks.

 I grabbed my keychain and headed to my car, hopped in and pick myself up some Dunkin doughnuts, over Starbucks of course. once I had gotten to her complex, I got out of my car walking up to her door, I opened it revealing an attractive male sitting on her couch, I quickly brought my attention to yet another fine but a rather tall being, over me and asking if I was Natalia. I didn't answer but quickly walked to my sisters room seeing her talking to two more boys sitting on her couch inside of her room, I walked out and accidentally bumped into yet another stranger, and in confusion bopped in the kitchen to figure out why she has five hot guys in her house, as soon as I entered I saw two more males having a conversation. might I add all the guys I encountered they all were different people but had similarities at the same time? I walked backed into the living area, seeing the five faces I've seen before excluding the ones in the kitchen. I looked down to my sister to her sitting by the bay window I quickly hustled over to where she was while trying to avoid the group of guys. the only thing I thought to ask was 'where is my food', she started to laugh hysterically and said 'you're not concerned with the 7 guys in my apartment?' , 'no not really', 'well I'm going to introduce them you needy biotch'. as the two guys, I saw conversating in the kitchen walked in, I couldn't help but bring my attention to two of them, I found them very attractive, my eyes wondered more and found yet another one who peeked my interests. She started to go left to right and the 1/3 (1 out of the 3 she thought was attractive) was first in line 'this is namjoon also known as RM', the one next to him was cute but not as appealing as the three I liked. 'uhh, this is jhope', I looked to see next in line which was 2/3 (2 out of 3 her found attractive) , 'v, or tae', I looked at him and studied his features noticing a cute freckle or mole on his nose, she skimmed through the rest and I paid attention but not that much 'jungkook, jin,suga', and then she stumbled onto 'jimin' 3/3 (3 out of 3 she found attractive), he was short but certainly taller than me, he had a nice figure, and had plump round lips that I could only imaging kissing. I got tender over that image my brain was creating, and v, also rm. I smiled at the fact, I finally looked away from jimin back to namjoon, he had a cute baby like a smile that made me melt, I looked at tae, he looked back and looked at my body, I got insecure for a moment and looked down. he noticed and looked away, I looked back up and saw him smile, and at the corner of my eye, I saw jimin staring at v, in an emotion I couldn't detect, maybe somewhat jealousy and anger. I  was confused and looked back to rm who was staring at tae with the same expression as jimin.

Love, Brooklyn Davis

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