TMNT meets Tmnt2013! and Rubyheartz!

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Hey all u TMNT lovers or readers I should say! This story is about me (Tmnt2013) and my beloved friend Kayla (RubyHeartz)

and we meet the ninja turtles!


(p.s:my name is Hillary -tmnt2013)

if u see the word "me" it's me Hillary and kayla (rubyheartz)


Me: *walking home from school with my friend* Finally! schools out! are u excited Kayla! We can finally have freedom!

Kayla: yeah I can't wait to have a 2 whole months of freedom!!

me: Here! Let's take a short cut to my house *grabs kayla's hand and goes though short cut*

kayla: is it a know..weird to be in a dark alley where bad guys come and get yo-

Kayla was cut off...because someone was behind her and grabbed her mouth so she could not scream

me: Kayla!

Then Hillary gets pulled away also.

kayla and Hillary was tied up so they couldn't get out

me: who are you guys...?!

voice: you don't won't know....If I was you

me:show yourself!

voice:alright....As your wish

The voice came out as...Fong the leader of the purple dragons!

kayla: Fong and the Purple Dragons?!

me:Why are you after us-

I was cut off because Fong punched me in my stomach, knocking the air of me

kayla: Hillary!? *gets out pocket knife tries to cut the rope*

me: ahhh!! *falls Down to the ground, then passes out*

my P.O.V

I pass out....but before I fell and gone unconscious....I heard different voices...and saw metal clashing and kayla yelling my name...After a couple of minutes I was half away from unconsciousness....I felt two strong arms picking me up......All I saw was blue bandana waving in the air....All I heard left was kayla being carried by...Some person or people that helped us beat the purple dragons....It had orange bandana but short from the one carrying didn't look like a human... at least that's what I thought...then I passed out completely.....TBC

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