The burning

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You see, Seth, through the window

How the moon burns in white flames

At nights like this when the moon ashes

The light of her warms me here

As fire heats and burns her down

The moon, you'll see, what she'll become

For centuries watching and burning still

Do not stop now...You must burn me

Among the stars and their own flames

You see, Seth, how she lays there dead

As ages pass and die along

Coal, fire...burning stock

Pleasing the suns...Millenniums crawl

High above the fields of clove

Down, where the light lays low

Burn me moon...but burn me all

Seth hush...She might hear

It is not the first time...She might be near

It's been ages...burnings and screams

Watch the moon...Yes you must fear

Sometimes she stares at when I sleep

In nights with ghosts and wicked trees

Lives that left for the one up there

Do burn me moon...burn me dead

I'll be a ghost...a star...a death

I'll be the one who is bereft

For when over centuries she saw me lie

She ought to had burnt me

I deserved to die

But still we'll stay and watch as friends

I died last night moon

You burn, now, instead

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2012 ⏰

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