.My Fake Reality.

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Every day for me I guess you could say is "normal" it all depends closely at how you define normal. I wake up every day to both of my parents crazy busy for work always on their phones, and no time for me whatsoever. I am completely invisible to both of them the only thing my dad ever says when I talk to him is "huh" and the only thing my mom ever seems to say is "what did you say sweetie." For the most part I am more of just a basic 17 year old waiting till graduation and waiting for my college.

I went to school and school for the most part is also normal, I go there get all my work done because well as you could put it I have no friends. Okay that was a exaggeration. I have a few friends but I don't really ever make plans with them or hang out with them because I have so much to do during my day. I wake up, get ignored by my parents, go to school, go home do homework and then my shift for work is always from 5:30 to 10. Tonight is my least favorite night of work because it is Friday and it seems that every Friday night I tend to see everyone that I know. 

While I was in my car driving, I decided to turn the radio. Tonight they have the famous star Jordan Jay on the radio. It was on "talk radio" and I heard a man that said...

"Jordan Jay is now getting ready for his concert that is sold out! Sold out! Come hang out with us before the show we will have Jordan here in the VIP area so make sure you come down and buy your ticket to meet Jordan Jay, we even have him on the line right now here he is JORDAN JAYYY" 

"Hey man what's up" Jordain said in a tone that sounded happy but also like it was being faked"

"I know you don't have a lot of time because you are about to go on stage in las vegas, then you are going on the rest of your world tour! How are you feeling about that"

"Yeah we are just getting started we have 3 shows in Vegas then we are heading to New York and Urop it crazy man"

"Your only 17! I mean this has got to be the ride of your life am I right, you have got a completely sold out show three number one hits and come on we have all seen your girlfriend"


"Hey don't get me wrong alright casey is just a little to young for me, shout out to my man tyga by the way but look you wanna trade places with me."

"Huh Maybe"

"Sign me up"

"Anyways we're having a great time it's madness honestly" Jordan said trying to change the subject.

"Well you're crushing it right now we will see you in Vegas, have a great show"

I opened my door and the radio stopped. I got down to quickly go give my ex best friend what she had ordered. She gave me money and I left. I got into my car and heard my gas light go on so I made my way to the gas station. I put gas in my car and for a reason I still can not figure out I just decided to sit there listening to music and wondering why people at my school did not like me because I just tend to see the reality in things. As I was sitting there I saw a teenage boy running towards my car. With in a second he knocked on my window and asked if he could get in. He told me that he needed my help, I was confused as to why he asked. I just had a longing look on my face because if I am being honest he was pretty hot. He just looked at me and asked if I knew who he was. I didn't know so I gave him a confusing "no" he asked if he could get into my car and I took a deep breath in and said that he could. I saw some teenage girls running towards him so obviously I started to drive.

I stopped my car inside the parking lot of a mexican restaurant and he looked at me and asked what was going to happen next as if I had a clue. He just stared at me for a good minute and it came to me.

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