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Same day just different POV's

Anika Tayler

I woke up to a mysterious knock on the door, I didn't think of much about it thinking it was my sister or boyfriend Nathen. I ignored it, waiting for one of them to enter and went back to sleep, the knocks kept continuing, and I soon yelled downstairs "Come In Already", I quickly heard the door open and not close for a quick minute and than heard it close after a while, I heard a foreign language echoing through out the house... " 이 여자는 어디 입니까?", I ran to get my hairdryer and tried to slowly walk down the stairs but failed miserably and rolled down the stairs, I soon was faced with 7 different male strangers, and yelled "who the fuck are you bitches". The tallest one let out a small chuckle and the rest looked confused and lost in there own mind. "uhhhh, but seriously who are you, and why are you in my house?" I said, with this the tall one started talking " well, I'm Namjoon (rm), and we understand that you are Natalia Tayler's sister?", "yeah, did she do something bad, and who are the other 6 people and why cant they talk?" I stated, "well they do not speak that much English and are not as fluent as yours truly" he pointed to himself and continued, "but this is Jin, Suga, V (Taehyung), Jimin, Jungkook, Jhope. Together we are BTS (Bangtan Boys). You are?" he asked somewhat politely, "Anika, but like I asked, why are you in my house?" I asked in a calmer tone, "well like I said we came looking for Natalia, we had found her dancing videos of YouTube, and thought she was a exceptional dancer, and we wanted her to dance in our MV (Music Videos) and maybe on tour" Namjoon said in a even tone. "I will call her over here, and, make yourselves feel at home. BUT.... Take off your shoes, I just had the White Carpets cleaned" I said sternly, he translated "제발, 신발을 벗고, 그리고 스스로 편안 하 게 느낄". 

 I texted my sister and started a conversation with two of them in my room, but it was difficult knowing they don't know English that well, but before Natalia came I gave them lessons on basic English the 101 shit ya know. I soon heard the front door open and close, I knew it was Natalia, she came up to my room and shot a glance between Suga, Jin, and I. She walked out and I saw her run into Jhope and I giggled, and also saw her run away quickly. I told the guys to go into the living space, to wait for her. I also jolted down the stairs with the boys, and saw all of them comfy on my couch, I sat near the bay window because there was no other seats to fill in of the couch except two but I saved that for Jimin and Jungkook. She entered the room and hustled over to me, "where's my food?" I laughed at her comment "your not concerned with the 7 guys in my apartment?", "no not really", "well I'm introducing you needy boitch", I started to say their names in accordance to their order on the couch, I observed she went heart eyes on Namjoon, V, and Jimin. Which I'm not surprised with, not lying they are some attractive young beings. I also saw everyone check her out which I'm not surprised at that either, she is one fine ass human as well. 

 "Joon" I called out, "hmm" he said looking at Natalia, "don't you have something to ask/tell Natalia", "Oh yeah. So Natalia, me and BTS wondered onto some of your YouTube videos and that you were a memorizing dancer, and we came to America to ask you in person. Will you like to dance for BTS, and move into our house in South Korea, and clearly get to know us more" he announced to her, her mouth hung open in shock/confusion. "well, that's a big commitment, and id have to leave my sister behind." she said momentarily. " well we understand that, so we will give you time, but you have a week give or take, to let us know" he said which put me into shock. "well that's more than enough time" she said aloud, "I think you should do it!" I said in a sadder tone. 


  Kim Taehyung

I had just walked into a strangers apartment, and saw a semi-decent human roll down the stairs with a hairdryer, I looked at her to see her with no wetness in her hair, I shook my head in confusion and all I could think off is 'Americans'. After rm was done talking to the girl I heard him say "please, take off your shoes, and make yourselves feel comfortable" so I did, I took off my shoes and plopped on the couch and found the remote to the TV and started watching a show I couldn't understand, I saw the door fly open revealing of beautiful girl, with a thick bum. I saw her run off and up the stairs a couple minutes later the boys and the girl from way earlier I think her name was 'Anika' walk into the living area. I than brought my attention to the attractive girl, I came to find out her name was 'Natalia', I heard my name called and she looked at me with her big round brown eyes (she's based on Tessa Brooks, don't judge. She's the only pretty dancer I could think of). She was studying my face and I surely didn't mind. Than I saw her look at Jimin, and back to me. I'm not sure why but I look down to see what her hands were holding, she looked down, being shy. I quickly looked away back up to her face, I smiled at her and her sincerely smiled back at me, and at that point on I knew I was going to like her. 

Park Jimin

Namjoon knocked on the door expecting someone to answer, but we heard "come in already", we all entered to see no one around, "where is this girl" I said quietly. I soon heard a tumble coming down the stairs, I whipped my head in that direction seeing a girl, I looked at my feet trying to hold in my laughter. I heard her announce herself as 'Anika', I heard Namjoon say "please, take off your shoes, and make yourselves feel comfortable". I nodded slowly and followed everyone else's actions and took off my shoes. I linked with Jungkook, and we went upstairs and found the kitchen, he was about to reach for the fridge door, I quickly smacked him hand and shook my head no, we sat on the dining room table and started talking about this 'Natalia' girl. We wondered what she looked like in person, mainly because her videos didn't show her face that much. I soon saw a girl that was not Anika walk in the kitchen stare at us, and jogged down the stairs. Minutes later me and Kookie walked into the living room, he sat down on the couch but I decided to stand up and lean against the arm of the couch, while Anika was introducing everyone I couldn't help but notice Natalia was a very beautiful girl, Anika soon said my name and Natalia looked in my direction, I swooped my hand through my hair and saw her bite her lip, she looked towards Tae and, he looked at her butt, wadda dude, I looked at him in jealousy mainly because he was catching Natalia's attention. 

Kim Namjoon

I knocked on the door once, and had gotten no answer, knocked again after awhile and heard a faint "come I already", I cracked open the door to see no one in sight, I moved more into the house so the rest of the boys could come in, Jimin whispered to me "where is this girl", I shrugged my shoulders, and saw a girl tumble down the stairs, she looked mid-twenties and I knew she was Natalia's sister Anika, I heard her yell and scream I chuckled from her words and finally greeted myself and the boys, and explained why we were here in her house. " please, take off your shoes, and make yourselves feel comfortable" I told the boys and they followed my orders, I took off my shoes nd wondered around seeing a big Mantel with pictures of Anika, and other folks, I had seen a older guy that she looked very similar too, I assumed it was her father, I pondered across a picture of a beautiful girl and assumed it was Natalia. I heard the door open and whipped my head in that direction seeing the girl in the picture, I walked up to her and stood over her and asked "Are you Natalia?", she rushed away leaving me without a answer, I simply joined tae on the couch and watch TV shows. Some more of the guy came in and joined and I saw Anika go sit by the window and saw Natalia run past us, to start a conversation with her sister. Anika decided to introduce us to her and I was first on the edge of the couch, She announced my name, I shot a friendly smile at her and she started at me a couple more seconds before looking to Jhope, I studied her while she was looking at the rest of the boys, she turned back to me and I quickly looked away, I watched her observe me and I smiled lightly at the fact, she grinned at that and look back to tae once more, I saw her face and the was she looked at him I knew she was interested in him, also Jimin, but I still had hope for me and her to maybe work.

Authors Note/// Should I start making these chapters longer, or shorter? 


Love, Brooklyn Davis

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