Part 1

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It had been weeks since school let out  for summer break and (Y/N) was home alone bored out of your mind your friends would be out of state for half of the summer so you decided to do what any bored teenager would do when they're bored ,you went for a walk at night in the woods cause that sounded logical in your head. You went into the woods to deep and got lost so now here you were stumbling around in the darkness when you see this glowing light and thinking it was a lamp post you walked towards it but instead of a road you found a tunnel, and not thinking much of it you walked down it hoping to find any signs of human life and that is exactly what you heard two males talking about someone named Cas and how he was dead and it was all this guys fault you stood there for a good three minutes before the taller one noticed you and quickly drew his gun and the shorter one quickly followed his actions this made you quickly put up your hands as a sign of defense.

"Who the hell are you?" The shorter one asked.

"(Y/N)," You replied.

"Okay (Y/N) were did you come from?" The taller one asked.

"I came from the woods,"

"uh-huh and how did you get inside?" The shorter one asked.

You were silent for a minute "....I don't know,"

"I was walking through a tunnel from the woods and it led me here ,"

"Okay um(Y/N) where is this tunnel now," Taller one asked

"Its right be...," You looked confused as to how the tunnel could've just disappeared.

"Hind me," You turns back towards them only for you to get cut by a blade drenched in water and salt poured on me by the shorter one. This really ticked you off and glared daggers at him.

"DEAN WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!"Taller one said to the man I now know as Dean.

He just shrugged and said "Precaution."  You walked right up to Dean and quickly took the knife from him throwing it across the room making it stick to a book shelf and grabbed the flask of water and poured it on him it was his turn to glare daggers at you and with a innocent smile you shrugged your shoulders and said "Precaution." and your innocent smile turned into a wicked one.

The tall one you learned to be Sam bandaged up your arm and was asking you questions about your old life and the tunnel you told him what you knew and he listened nodding a few times to say he was still listening you got to the end of your story and you asked him some also like is it just him and his brother that live here what do they do for a living etc. he told me about what him and his brother do and you sorta believed him because well tunnel from your world to his ,and he told me about Jack the son of Lucifer and that you would meet him tomorrow because right now was time for you to get some rest so he showed you your room you crawled in bed and went to sleep after changing positions a thousand time.

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