A blast from the past, part 3

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"It all started last summer. Alice went to visit her grandparents, you know, since they're not from Riverdale." - Hermione said and FP nodded. - "She was supposed to stay there the whole summer. She didn't really know anyone there, so the only person she got to talk to was her grandparents' neighbours' grandson. He was also visiting and didn't know anyone.

They bonded and soon they found out that they felt something towards each other. So, one thing led to another and they started dating. It was all great at the beginning, he seemed all nice and sweet and he acted like the best guy ever. She was really happy. She'd call me on the phone and giggle, while telling me all about the stuff that had happened. He'd take her out to dates, he'd come over for dinner, she'd do the same, etcetera.

In my opinion, everything took off really fast. They were taking this relationship thing way too seriously. I told her, from the very beginning, that she should look out for herself. That she couldn't trust the guy so easily, because she barely knew him. But, she didn't listen to me, I wish she did." - Hermione sighed and looked away from FP.

"What does that mean?" - FP asked.

She looked back at him. She inhaled and then exhaled deeply. - "He tried to... Do things to her..." - she mumbled and FP lifted an eyebrow. He didn't say anything, he waited for her to finish talking. - "She didn't want to go all sexual with him. It was too early, we're talking about a year ago. She believes in making love, not in fucking. And when she declined his offer, he.. hit her. He basically beat the shit out of her." - FP's jaw clenched.

"He did what to her?!" - he slammed his fists on the table.

His eyes turned darker, they were black. Hermione had never seen him that angry, she was almost scared. She started thinking that maybe telling him was not her brightest idea ever.

"Somehow, she managed to get away from him, before it was too late-"

"Too late?!" - he cut her off. He was more than pissed. He was furious. - "Too late to do what to her?!"

"Keep your voice down, Forsythe!" - Hermione glared at him. She was the one interrupting his thoughts now. - "Take into consideration that no one, apart from me and now you, knows about this! I intend on it staying this way. I'm already in some deep shit with Alice, just by mentioning it to you. Nevertheless, telling you the whole story."

He sighed. - "Why are you telling me, anyway?"

She bit her bottom lip. - "He's here.. he's back.."

"What?! Where?!"

"At her place.."

"Excuse me, what?! Where is Alice then?"

"My place." - Hermione paused, before she continued talking. - "Her grandmother thought it would be a fun thing to bring him back into her life, for at least a while. You know, for as long as she's visiting."

"Hell, it is!" - his clenched fists were almost white from the pressure. - "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch."

"No, you won't."

"Oh, I will." - he said and he stood up.

Hermione ran to him and grabbed his arm pulling him back. - "Don't be an idiot, Jones."

"He hurt her, Hermione. You dont just expect me to accept him and bring him in for a hug, do you?!"

"Of course not! I expect from you to keep an eye on her. To look out after her." - she smiled. - "Because, I know you would. You're the only one that can keep her safe." - he shrugged at her words. - "But, what I don't expect you to do is go all Billy Loomis on him! You can't do any of that if you're in jail."

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