Chapter 2: The Lioness

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A/N: Hello readers! I decided to split the first chapter in half, because I noticed it was a bit too long. Here's the second half of the first chapter for new readers! Enjoy!

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The two powerful Divas locked up, trying to gain the upper hand until with explosive power, Tara shoved Beth onto her butt, gaining a huge pop from the fans.

"The unnatural strength of Tara coming into play early," Michael commentated.

"I don't think the Glamazon appreciated that," JBL added, noticing the angry scowl that Beth directed at Tara before standing up. "She didn't appreciate that one bit!"

Both women circled the ring again, before locking up a second time as a 'Lets go Tara!' chant was heard throughout the arena. The two fought for dominance over the other for a brief moment, before Beth got the better of Tara and powered her into the corner.

The referee started counting until Beth eventually broke away from Tara at a count of four. The blonde powerhouse held her hands up, starting to back away and then sucker punched Tara in the face, making Tara's head whip to the side, a shocked gasp vibrating from the crowd at Beth's audacity.

"Uh-oh, I don't think that was a good idea on Beth's part," Michael noted with a twinge of trepidation.

"You're telling me. I've felt the full force of Tara's anger and it is not pretty!" JBL added.

Tara slowly faced Beth Phoenix, an enraged expression on her face as she glared at the cocky smirk on the blonde haired woman's face.

Tara grabbed Beth and threw her into the corner, unloading on her with vicious shots to the face, causing the Glamazon to desperately cover herself. The referee tried to get Tara to back away and give the blonde haired woman some breathing room, but the veteran was having none of it, deciding to let her anger takeover.

"Come on referee! Do your job!" JBL snapped. His tune changed quickly as Tara uncorked a right fist to Beth's jaw, stunning the woman and making the fans wince verbally. "Oh god! What a shot!"

"Tara needs to calm down before the referee decides to disqualify her!" Michael added.

"Come on Tara! That's enough!" the referee snapped sternly, making Tara back away from a dazed Beth Phoenix, who was favouring the side of her jaw.

After a warning from the official, Tara grabbed Beth's arm and Irish whipped her into the opposite corner of the ring with force, making Beth's back rebound hard off the turnbuckle, walking right into a big boot to the face that knocked Beth off her feet, the fans verbally wincing at the sight. "And a big boot from Tara takes the Glamazon down!"

"Tara is so dominant. What a powerful woman!" JBL praised.

Tara went for the pin, but immediately stood back up when Melina climbed onto the apron. Melina ignored the referee, who ordered her to get off the apron, glaring at Tara who glared back with those unnatural gold eyes of hers.

"Melina's standing on the apron! What could she be up to now?!" Michael questioned in slight annoyance.

"How should I know! All I know is that Tara should be concentrating on the Glamazon! Not Melina!" JBL replied.

As soon as Tara took a step forward, Melina jumped off the apron and took a few steps back with a grin on her face. Tara narrowed her eyes at the current Women's Champion, not realizing that Beth Phoenix was up on her feet, now waiting for the veteran to turn around. Tara turned around, only to get blasted in the face with a massive clothesline from the Glamazon. "Oh wow!"

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