What the hell?!

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Ugh. Life why did life have to be so complicated? I mean I have feelings for Hayes it's just I don't know him and if well he's a jerk or what not. I know he doesn't seem like a jerk, but to be honest he could be. I have only known him for a couple days. I was just thinking and I didn't even realize I was crying. What the hell?! Why am

I crying?! Uugghh.

The door Bursts open and it's Taylor.

"Hey Tay," I put the covers over my head. He pulls them off. He sees my face and my eyes are red from crying.

"Maddy, are you okay?"

"No Tay that dumb ass Jayden called me!" he was rubbing my back and for some reason it calmed me down. and what I just noticed Tay and everyone else has been here for me more than Jack [G] has.

"Hey Maddy can I see your phone for a sec please?" Tay asked holding out his hand. I hand my phone to him and he hit the screen a couple times and out the speaker to his ear.

"Can I speak to Jayden please," omfg Tay is not calling him,"thank you, listen here you little fuck leave Maddy alone or I will personally get on a plane fly over and kick your ass got it!?" I heard mumbling coming from the phone," No I ain't her new boyfriend I'm her new brother now fucking leave her alone!" Tay ended the call and handed me my phone.

"Thank you Tay," I laughed.

"Your welcome!" the door opened again and it was Jack [G].

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" Jack snapped. He had a weird expression in his face.

"I'm in here comforting your sister unlike you!" Tay snapped back.

"Jack you've been smoking haven't you?!" he had promised me he would stop.

"No I haven't!" he yelled.

"Jack I can smell it from here! you fucking lied to me you told me you would stop what the hell is wrong with you?! Where's Johnson?!"

"In our room," I walked past Jack and winded at the smell. I swung the door open an Johnson was sitting

On the bed. I walked over and smacked him across the face I could smell it on him too.

"What the hell was that for?!" Johnson yelled.

"You fucking let jack smoke (weed) and you did too Jack promised me he wouldn't smoke anymore!"

"It's his choices!"

"I fucking hate you guys!" I walked out if the room and walked into what I thought was my room but I was to mad to realize I walked into cam and Nash's room.

"Hey Maddy?" They asked me as a question cuz I just barged into their room.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to come in here I meant to go into my room sorry," I walked out and swing my door open I ran into Jack. I felt his hand hit my face and I screamed at the pain," Get out! I fucking hate you Jack get out NOW!" I screamed i held the side of my face.cam and Nash ran out of their room and into mine.

"Are you okay Maddy?!" Nash asked while Cam pushed Jack away from me.

"What the Hell Jack what's wrong with you?!" Cam screamed. Taylor was over by Jack. everyone was infuriated. I released Nashes grasp and ran. Im doing it again running away from Jack my own brother just hit me. I ran up the stairs tripping a couple times then getting up.

I reached the roof opened the door put a cement block against the door

So it didn't close and I screamed. I cried and cried until I was out if tears. Hayes came running up the stairs.

He grabbed me and hugged me as tight as he could I started to cry again. he rubbed my back he looked into my eyes an out of no where he kissed me. I felt fireworks and butterfly's and all happiness. He stopped kissing me but he never let me out of his hug. he gave me a piggy back ride back to our room. I rested my head On his and just went along for the ride.

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