Return of the Nerds: Twentieth High School Reunion

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Title: Return of the Nerds: Twentieth High School Reunion, An ANSOL Outtake

Pen name: Tufano79

Fandom: Twilight

Pairing/Characters: Edward/Bella

Rating: MA

Warnings: None

Beta: Birdie17

Banner by (if applicable): Mina Rivera

Twenty years ago, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen graduated from Bradley High School, valedictorian of his class. He vowed that he would never, ever return to that hateful, hellish school. His ten year high school reunion went by without so much as a peep.

Now, his twentieth high school reunion is just around the corner and Isabella Marie Higginbotham Cullen wanted a night out on the town. Having twins six months prior and a total four children under the age of seven? She needed some time to bond with her husband and a full-night's sleep. Edward's high school reunion sounded like the perfect forum to do that.

If only she could convince her husband that it was a good idea...

Return of the Nerds: Twentieth High School Reunion
An ANSOL Outtake

A baby's cry filled the darkened bedroom of Edward and Bella Cullen. Bella moaned, shifting further into the warm burrow of her blankets. She had just fallen asleep. "Edward, it's your turn," she griped.

"I was just up with Owen," he replied, his voice muffled by his pillow.

"I just housed two humans in my vagina, Edward. I also endured two months of bed rest and almost three days of labor with them. I haven't had more than a half-hour's worth of sleep since we've brought them home six months ago. Get your scrawny ass out of bed and see which one is fussing," Bella spat. She even went so far as kicking Edward in the rear, shoving him out of the bed and into a heap on the floor. He scowled at his wife's form, knowing that she was struggling with the twins, but Edward just as exhausted as she was.

Mia and Masen were both extremely colicky and finicky. Mia would only calm with Bella, and Masen just screamed nonstop, nothing able to shut him up. Edward got up, tossing on a shirt and padding to the nursery. He prayed that it was Mia that was crying. He had a fighting chance of getting sleep with her. Masen, he was determined to suck the life out of both of his parents with his relentless crying. Peering into the cribs, he saw his youngest son screaming like a banshee, kicking his feet and twisting in his covers.

"Shit," Edward groaned. Covering the sheets, Masen, and the bars of the crib was baby crap. It was smelly and Masen's twisting body was not helping the matter. "Come here, little man." Edward scooped up Masen, stripping him out of his onesie and diaper, and placed him on the changing table. His screams did not abate as Edward worked quickly to strip the bed and toss the sheets into the garbage can that they used for their diapers. The bedding was not salvageable, nor were Masen's clothes.

Picking up Masen, Edward carried his squirming, screaming son to the bathroom to quickly hose him off before dressing him in a fresh diaper and clean onesie. "Masen, I love you, little man, but you've got to give Mommy and me a break," Edward sighed, washing the baby crap off of Masen's pink skin. "Dude, you got shit in your hair? What am I going to do with you?" Masen didn't respond. He just continued to wail. Edward gave Masen a full bath before he dried him off and dressed him a diaper. Carrying him back to the nursery, Edward sat down on the rocking chair that Bella used while she was breast feeding. He cradled Masen to his chest and hummed quietly, hoping that the resonance of his voice would calm his upset son.

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