Chapter 1- End of summer

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Chapter 1- End of summer

Morgans POV

As a kid my parents didn't really plan to have a second child, but he just sort of happened. So when it came time for him to be born I was sent to live with the Weasleys, my dads close wizarding world friends. I grew up knowing their children and becoming friends with them all. But the night where my parents were killed was tough. I had been with the Weasleys and was about to return home for Harrys birthday. I hadn't left yet and when word reached us the takes were strange. A one year old child defeated the dark lord and he was now being taken to our mothers muggle family until the Weasleys could make room for both of us. So we were raised in the Weasley house. Just as our parents wanted. Growing up with them made me realize how much I miss our parents. The Weasleys are amazing people and they don't let us starve but I just don't feel like I fit in. Being one of the only two female children with five years between us makes it hard to have a normal life. Molly is the best role model I could ever ask for. I know now why my parents chose them as our guardians, because they are welcoming and do enjoy having loads of children. They have Bill, age eighteen, Percy is seventeen, Charlie and I are sixteen, Fred and George are thirteen, Ron and Harry are eleven, and Ginny is ten.

End of Summer

I wake to Ginny hollering about getting ready to go school shopping. Our letters must have arrived and it was now time to return to Hogwarts. I dress in jeans and a tank top with black flip flops and head down to the family room.

"Morgan, dear, why don't you and Charlie stay behind and pack Ron and Harrys trunks. I will get your things and be back as soon as possible." Says Molly. "Oh, and Ginny will be with me."

We nod and she leaves. I smile and head up to Ron and Harrys room to begin packing their trunks. Charlie begins by pulling out the necessary clothes and items. We place them in their trunks and finish it off with their books from the last year of pre-reading. It is their first year and it is doing to be my job again to see that they stay out of trouble. Molly and the others return and we all finish our packing. I finish and help Charlie load the trunks into the flying car.

"Morgan, can I ask you something?" Asks Charlie as we walk back to the house.

"Sure, Charlie, what's up?" I ask.

"I know we've known each other for quite some time but I was wondering if... Never mind." Says Charlie as he ribs back to the house.

I walk in as Arthur stands to give his start of term speech.

"This year Ron and Harry enter Hogwarts and it will be your responsibility to keep an eye on them, Fred and George. Morgan and Charlie kept an eye on you and now you are next in line. This year all but one of our children will be entering the school and making us proud. Morgan I hope that you and Harry will have a great year and please write as much as possible. Now to more pressing matters. The Ministry has received word that the Hogwarts Express is now soley for the use of first years who now need to be sorted. So everyone but Ron and Harry will be traveling to Hogwarts by floo powder." Says Arthur as Molly serves dinner.

The next morning all of us kids are waiting for Molly to help us through the floo network. Percy is first then Charlie. When I enter I suddenly feel sick and just when I am about to puke I am pulled free by Charlie.

"Thanks." I groan.

"No problem, let's go to the great hall, sitting us about to start." Says Charlie.

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