The boy with the moon eyes- ianthony

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He paced the cobblestone trail slowly. His mind flooded with worries and questions and ideas. He sat down on the old bench and let out a calming sigh. A cool october breeze brushed through the clear, silent night. The boy closed his eyes as he cleared his mind. Looking around him he seen the dark trees and heard the leaves moving in the wind. He looked up and seen the stars, the white specks that splattered the black sky, along with the moon. A nearly full moon. The boy stood up and fixed his light brown hair then placed his hands in the pocket of his navy blue hoodie and walked off, unaware he was being watched.

Anthony sat silently in the tree as he watched the boy's perfect silhouette get smaller and smaller until it disappeared down the concrete path once again. He glanced up at the moon and hopped off of the tree, onto the bench. He slumped down into the seat and buried his face in his hands and let out a soft, quiet sob. He watched the boy come to the park every night. He would always sit on the bench and sit quietly, or walk around, or gaze at the sky. He was perfect. His hair was a light brown and he wore cute oversized hoodies and jeans. Perfect.

Anthony wanted with all of his might to talk to the boy, and be with him, but he couldn't. He didn't want to hurt the boy. Anthony opened his mouth slightly and ran his tongue over his fangs. He couldn't. The moon made him bloodthirsty, and he didn't like hurting anyone, so he usually stayed in the shade, out of the moonlight. But he couldn't talk to the boy if he couldn't leave his tree, could he?

The next day Anthony waited for the boy to come to the bench as he usually did. Just when Anthony was sure he wasn't going to show, he heard his soft footsteps. Anthony grinned and his fangs retracted and his red eyes faded to brown, as to not scare him off. If he can just stay away from the moon, he could control himself. Anthony swung his legs over the branch and slid so he was hanging upside down in the shade of the tree, but was at eye level with the boy.

The boy had his hood on, and his hair covered his eyes, preventing him from seeing Anthony at first. "H-Hello." Anthony spoke nervously. The boy jumped and screamed, falling off of the bench. "O-oh!" Anthony flipped off the tree so he was standing upright, but carefully stayed away from the moonlight. "I'm sorry.. Please don't be frightened.." He apologized. The boy brushed himself off and turned to face Anthony. The boy covered his face and stepped away from the strange dark haired stranger. He glanced at what the mysterious boy wore. Black jeans and a black shirt, with more than over worn black converse shoes.

"Who are you?" The boy asked shyly.

"I'm Anthony.. And you are?"

"My name's I-Ian.."

"Ian.." Anthony repeated unconsciously. He smiled to himself. "What a beautiful name.."

Ian blushed. "Thanks.. Why are you underneath that tree? Can't you come out and talk?" He asked curiously.

"I would love to, Ian, but I cannot."

Ian's phone beeped and he explained that he had to leave, but would be back tomorrow. Over the next month, Ian came to the park and they got to know each other more. Ian learned that Anthony was a vampire and he had to stay out of the moonlight. Ian wanted to spend more time with Anthony, so he thought of a plan. He could bring him home. That way he could stay out of the moonlight. But how could he get him to his house?

One night, Ian explained his idea to Anthony. Anthony agreed and said he knew of a way to keep in the shade. "I can hide under my cape like this-" he pulled the cape over his head, "and I'll fly to your house. You'll just have to lead me there." Ian nodded excitedly and led Anthony back to his home.

Anthony flew into the home and swished his cape behind him. Ian closed the door and turned to face his boyfriend, who smirked happily. Anthony leaped forward and pulled Ian into a deep kiss. Soon after, both boys fell asleep in each other's arms.

Ian woke up to see Anthony gone. He turned his head to scan the room. Where had he gone? He ran down the hallway, "Anthony?" No answer. Did he go back to the park? "Anthony?" He couldn't have left the house, the moonlight would have- "in here!" Anthony called. Ian opened the room to find Anthony looking at the posters on Ian's wall. He turned to face Ian, but froze. Ian's eyes.. They were a pale silvery blue.. The way the sunlight made them glow- they looked just like the moon. Ian grew worried "A-ant? Are you okay?"

Anthony's heart raced and his eyes rolled back in his head. He blinked and they shone a bright red color. His mouth hung open and his fangs slid out. Ian blinked. "A-ant?" Anthony growled and lunged forward, slamming Ian into the wall. "Anthony!!" Ian cried out in pain and grabbed his shoulder "aagh!" Anthony grinned and slammed the smaller boy into the wall again. Ian whimpered, "What's wrong with you?!" Anthony chuckled and spun around, landing Ian on the floor, Anthony on his knees above him.

The darker haired of the two licked his lips and clawed Ian's shirt off of him. Ian squirmed to get away beneath Anthony, but to no avail. He was pressing down on his hands, making it impossible to get away. Anthony leaned down, teeth bared, towards Ian's neck. Ian squeezed his eyes shut in terror and kicked his feet. Anthony stopped and blinked. He jumped back and away from Ian, whose eyes were still shut, and was trembling in fear. "Oh baby no.. I-I'm so sorry.. I don't know what came over me.." Anthony spoke softly, and blinked his eyes back to brown.

Ian grabbed a pair of sunglasses from his desk. "I think it's my eyes. Didn't you say the moon makes you lose control?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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