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6 Pieces of Gym Gear You Absolutely Need

It was the current article I was reading as I flipped through one of our many magazine subscriptions while laying on my bed. Normally I could care less about something like this or even fitness in general but it sure as hell beat listening to my father scream at the television at players who obviously couldn't hear him; so here I was reading about Why Protective Cups are a Good Idea while one of my hands sat ready to turn the page and the other buried in a potato chip bag.

"Hansol, get down here!" I heard my dad's voice boom throughout the house making me jump. "Maria and Bjoo are gonna be here any minute!" he finished making me groan in annoyance.

I flopped off my bed and walked over to my door to yell back at him "Why!" I looked down at the ground, fumbling with my hands, "I don't want them here anyway..." saying the last part in a lower voice. He huffed out an irritated "Because I Said So" before walking off to answer the door.


"Do you understand?"

There was a pause before there was a hand slapping my arm, jumping me out of my thoughts. I pull an earbud out as I lower the volume and look up at my mom silently as if asking what's your problem.

She only cursed at me and continued to scold me the same way she has for the past week, "I want you on your best behavior, Byungjoo, do you understand me?" she said as she pointed a finger before turning away from me to walk up the long, stone pathway leading to the house I'd be living in from now on.

"I didn't ask to move here." I mumble under my breath in hopes she doesn't start lecturing me again. I don't hesitate to put the earbud back into my ear, aimlessly dragging myself and luggage behind her.

"Peter!" I look at my mom as she drops her bag and practically runs into his arms. I internally gag at the scene in front of me while trying to suppress an eye roll as she stands on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek. He gives her a sweet smile, returning the gesture, before he settles his gaze on me.

"Hey Bjoo" he smiles so bright I almost find myself shielding my eyes. He steps aside to let us in the house, "You both look exhausted." he reaches down to pick up my mom's bag and leads her inside. They walk for second before they turn back to me after noticing I hadn't moved.

"Byungjoo!" my mom glares. Peter only rubs her back and reassures her that things like this just take time. After a short pep talk I reluctantly gather my things together and walk in behind them, kicking the door shut, only to be welcomed by the sound of someone vomiting.

It was Peter's turn to glare as he turned around to acknowledge a fourth person in the room. "Hansol, be nice!" I follow his gaze to a smaller figure standing on the stairs. Not bad I think to myself as I eye him up and down. Not bad at all.

"Sorry, I don't know what this 'nice' is you speak of." he uses his fingers to make quotation marks.

"I'm sorry." Peter sighs dejectedly as he puts his arm around my mom's waist and guides her upstairs, to their room most likely. "Help your brother" he gives his son a pointed look as they pass him on the stairs until it's just the two of us. I smirk at the comment made, "Brother huh? We're to that point already?" I hear a scoff come from the stairs, "Yeah, no. Don't get ahead of yourself there because I won't hesitate to throw you outside." Aw he's even cute when he's mad I chuckle at my thought. "Do you think I'm joking?!" he makes a tsk sound before sitting down on one of the steps. "No, I just thought of something sorry... Anyways how about you show me to my room?" he glares over at me, "Maybe, if you ask nicely"

"What are you five? I asked as nicely as I can okay, I don't wanna be here either so let's not make this harder than it already is"

He growls before standing up and walking up a few steps, "Well come on I don't have all day!"

I wonder if he's always like this? Hmm, now I'm curious I pick up my things following him up the stairs and into a plain, empty room off to the left of the stairs. "Here's your damn room, happy? Now don't bother me," he says as he walks into the room across from mine. I set my things down in the doorway before venturing over to Hansol's room and taking a look around.

"Aye, nice room you got here wanna trade," I blurt out half joking. "Uhm, one, I literally just told you not to bother me and two, no! Get the fuck out" I turn from my spot in his room to look at him, "I was joking for one" I lean to one side of my body putting my hand on my hip "And why are you so mad at me? Like I understand you don't want me here but I haven't done anything to you- yet -so try to be a little more civilized please," without waiting for his response I walk out and go back over to my room to unpack.

It's been about three weeks since I moved in and I have never had so much fun messing with someone before. I mean come on a hella fine looking stepbrother to mess with all to myself, I'm definitely not going to pass that up. I can't really say I hate this place anymore...

A: Hey guys! My best friend and I wrote this and we're really happy with the way it turned out :) please let us know how we did by liking, commenting, and voting. ~Thanks <3

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