Under the Sea

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Miyoung was swimming towards the big rock formation again. Upon reaching her favorite spot, she observed the people walking around the docks and wondered how it felt like walking on their feet.

She looked at her tail skin and wondered if the people's feet feel as slippery as her tail skin. Or perhaps her fluke could be used to step on the ground and walk upright.

She wondered about a lot of things--life on land, human interactions and activities she can do with her feet--but mostly, she wondered if she'll see him again. Truthfully, she hasn't seen him personally. Just in her dreams.

Her usual day is spent sitting near the rocks, daydreaming about what it's like to be a human until it gets dark or when her sister, Yuri, went looking for her. Whichever comes first. That's the time she decides to return home.

"Miyoung! Where have you been again? Our dear Appa has been looking for you for a while now. You've been at the rock formation again haven't you?!"

"Yes!" Her eyes brightened up. "Don't tell the others, okay?!"

"Of course! But what were you doing there? You always go there."

"Yuri... have you ever had that dream wherein you see the same face over and over and you just want to that person?"

Yuri placed her arms on her sister's shoulders, "Haven't it occurred to you that he might not be human?! He might just be someone like us but from another kingdom... or, that he might not even exist?!"

Miyoung brushed the thought out of her mind and didn't listen to her sister. She just gave her a smile before floating to her father's room.

"Dear Appa... How is your day?" She charged towards her father and gave him a surprise hug.

"Looks like my Miyoung had a nice time. Where were you?"

"I was just... swimming with the dolphins earlier."

"That sounds nice. I admire your patience since they only come out twice a day."

"Appa, you should go with me some time. Dolphins have the wildest stories and the funniest gossips in all waterlands."

"I'll try... you know, being the king is not easy. I have to see to it that everyone is safe all the time. By the way, I want you to stay within our kingdom's perimeter in the next days." Her father told her.


"King Seyoon proposed that you should marry his son. Remember Prince Sehun? He claims that he fancy you and I am thinking of going through with your union. You're already at the right age to get married so I think we could turn this to our advantage. Our kingdom would expand and I think Prince Sehun is an excellent choice for you. They'll be visiting us anytime soon that is why I need you to be always around." He smiled.

"What?! I don't love Prince Sehun. And also, I don't want to marry right now, I'm not ready."

"You can't escape this Miyoung, this is your fate. What were you thinking, you'll just swim around and have fun every single day?!"

"I won't marry him. You can't make me!" Miyoung swam away.


"Miyoung, Miyoung... wake up!" Yuri woke up her sister.

"What is it?!" She panicked hearing her sister's voice.

"King Seyoon is currently on his way here with his son, Prince Sehun."

"Oh no no no... I have to get away from here."

"If you still don't want to marry him, we should leave now." Yuri grabbed her arm and swam as fast as she can but Miyoung stopped. She looked around and thought if it was the last time she'll ever see her home.

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