the beginning.

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I was entering a stone tower, it was cold as ice. There was snow on the ground, there was a light glimmering oboe in the top room. I could not help but go and see what was in that tower. For some odd reason my breath began to get faster, my body began to get warmer as well. The more I walked near the light the more I got warmer, it was like it brought out the warmth in your souil. I kept walking, the spiraling staircase that lead up to the room that the light was coming from. I stopped for a moment before I entered the room. i thought why would there be a tower in this snowy land surrounded by trees and nothing else around it, just a big tower that had the light in it as I thought I started to open the door. What I saw was a ring, it was quite an odd ring it glowed. I was nearly blinded by the light that emitted from the ring. I could barely even see it in the room. I picked it up from the air, it was floating in midair like someone had magically put it there. The ring, it was as if it were wanting me to put it on. The ring spoke to me a girl voice, her voice sounded kind gentle and very nice it was nice to hear. It put me at ease. Somehow I put it on then her words got louder I could hear her clearly now it was like she was in my head but she was not she was in the ring. Her words spoke to me, they said do you wish to talk in private where no one could hear? I said what do you mean where no one could hear at this point I had an odd feeling in my body she said I can take you to a place called the void where we can speak. I said take me there but first before I do so what do you want she said to me in her kind voice there is a war not in your world but in mine it is terrible there are machines they can rip man limb from limb I ask of your assistance please it is in the most importance you say yes and help me. I will give you whatever you want in return I say ok she says what do you want in return I say if I help you then I want you to help me help other people teach the poor how to fight bring peace to this cruel world of mine in return it is nothing but fair to me I am asking you of the same but on a much bigger scale will you help me if I help you. Yes, yes I will help you. Ok then let's go to the void and talk about what you were wanting to talk about.

I start to feel very odd hot and cold my body begins to turn black my nose starts to bleed we start to travel to this place it is pure black but there is a floor that glows it is so odd it is reflecting my face body everything. She speaks.

I am what they call the secret weapon I can teach you how to fight and how to bring peace to both worlds. You just need to make a deal young one. Are you prepared to sacrifice your body become one these things become half of them and share blood weapon and soil and take the responsibility that comes with this role. I am prepared to sacrifice what I need to. Ok then the deal is done the ring makes a star in the sky and light shines down on me and marks appear on my skin I begin to feel weak and drained of my energy. A coat begins to cover me it is as if it is a trench coat all black with stripes coming down the back from the neck peace a mask and hood start to form over my face the mask looks as if it is a skull staring directly at me when I hold it and it is black with white striped going down the cheek part of it. I go to put the mask on my face it changed my vision I can see more better farther I can see a two lines up top one is red the other is green. I see a picture of what looks to be my body I study it for a moment it has my hart my veins skull muscle and nervous systems on display. She begins to speak in my head again. This is the black mage armor it protects you there are two sets of armor the mage and the reaper you go into reaper as a last resort so you do not die. The armor has your body systems on bored so it can make adjustments for you and heal your body. You can go into what I call lockdown where if you are nocked out or unconscious your suit will automatically lock up so no one can lift you or penetrate your armor so you can not die but it only lasts for so long you most likely feel tired your suit uses a energy called ora which flows through all living things. If you wish to know my name then you can just ask. Ok what is your name

My name is Alice.

Ok well nice to meet you Alice my name is;

I am aware of what you name is when you slipped me on the ring I mean I could read all your thoughts and memory's. so no need to introduce yourself quite yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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