A Painted Meadow

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A meadow, unrealistically perfect, green trees far behind it, spring flowers popping up everywhere. Somewhere in the meadow, a doe is laying, with her is a newborn fawn. The birds fly around chirping her name, Fauna. "For she has come!" cried a bird. "She's as lovely as her mother!" cried another. "I hope she has the strength of her father!" said one. "Why would she need strength, she's a female!" another scowled. "Girls, girls, don't fuss over her, she's nothing more than any other fawn we've seen today." the owl in the tree scolded. "Guide her when the time is right, but now, we must find the other half." all the birds looked at the owl confused. "Her buck when she grows up, we can have a bet. Whoever wins shall guide their family for eternity." a chirp ran through the birds then they all nodded at the owl. "We shall!" the birds took off flying, the owl following behind them.

"Dear fauna, look at me." her mother said softly. Fauna looked up at her mother with big brown eyes and cocked her head. "Those birds do nothing but fuss over you, but don't feel under pressure, they mean well." fauna nodded. Her mother helped her stand up. "Come along, let's go home." fauna nodded. Her mother took her through the forest, the trees showing sun on the beautiful fawn. Does and bucks admired her from afar. "Look at those speckles! Her name must be speckled beauty!"

"No, it would be lovely one!"

"How would you be so sure! Those names are terrible! Her name should be crystal ice!"
"How does that make sense!?"
"It's in her eyes."

"Stop speaking nonsense laurentine!"

"Why don't you, scarlet river!"

"Scarlet river, laurentine, don't fight please, not in a fawns presence."

"Where do you have room to talk, bander?! You wanted to name her speckled beauty!"

faunas mother glared at the does and buck. "Bander is right, don't argue in a fawns presence." the does folded their ears back and glared at her. Laurentine spoke first.

"Make us, Golden rose!"

"Yeah Gold rosen! Make us!"

"It's golden rose!"

"No, it's gold rosen!" scarlet river and laurentine kept fighting but then faunas mother interrupted them. "My name," she said, "is Winded Wander."


"WHOOPS, SORRY I FORGOT!" scarlet river said obnoxiously. Bander gently but strictly poked his mate with his antler. "Owwwww, whyd you do that?"

"Take a wild guess, i love you and all but this is ridiculous." then a small fawn stepped out of the cave behind them. "Mother, father, why are you fighting?" scarlet river gently licked the fawn. "Because dear, a new fawn for you to play with has arrived and nobody can decide her name."

"I already did. Fauna."

"Why that is simply her name, not her legend name as we all are called."

"But she won't be able to receive it so why would we give it to her?"

everyone looked at the tiny fawn and hushed. Darling dearest looked down at her beautiful daughter and said "because of you, darling, they are looking for your legend name far earlier than normal." fauna looked from her mother and looked at every deer, nodding as if to say 'okay' nobody said a word as fauna followed her mother back home. When they got there, a small fawn was running around. It was a male with small antlers, just barely above his ears. He stopped and stared wide eyed at fauna when her and her mother came into the clearing."h-hi?" he managed to stutter. "Hi! I'm fauna, what's your name?" she smiled brighter than the sun that day, his name was Russet, he was an orphan living by himself next to the sea. Faunas mother offered to let him stay, but he said the ocean crashing against the shore allowed him to drift into sleep. He liked the ocean for all it was worth. He kindly passed on the offer to stay, smiled and said he would see them in the morning, then headed off the the beach. Fauna headed into the cave her mother had brought her to. It was lit by a warm fire and had bedding spread anonymously. It was nice and she liked it. She selected a spot and layed down, folding her legs in on themselves. Her mother mimicked her action on a different spot, next to her spot, looking out at the horizon. The sun faltered down, dipping into the various oranges, reds, yellows, pinks, and purples. The sunset was breathtaking for fauna. She had never seen something so glorious, not in the at least. The flowers didn't compare, not one bit, to the amazing sight before her. The next day, the many unknown deer from before, going by scarlet river, laurentine, bander, and the unknown fawn who seemed to be scarlet river and banders daughter were waiting for them. Faunas mother looks up, dazed. "What's going on?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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