7. A blaze Of Emotions

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When Jake's shift finally came to an end, he packed his bag, said his goodbyes, and left. It was 6 a.m., and he was exhausted. Today, he planned to spend the entire day with Lexi; he hadn't been able to spend much time with her lately, and he missed her dearly. Pulling into the driveway, Jake parked and went inside. Too tired to engage in conversation with his parents, he exchanged quick hellos before heading up to Lexi's room. He gave her a gentle kiss before retreating to his own room to rest.

As he lay in bed, he felt an unusual sensation in his arms but shrugged it off as fatigue and closed his eyes, allowing sleep to wash over him.

Jake was jolted awake by the blaring of his alarm. Groaning, he glanced over at the clock, which read 12:30 in the afternoon. Throwing the blanket off, he jumped into the shower, quickly washing away the remnants of sleep. Once he was finished, he dressed in a comfortable pair of sweats, a shirt, and socks before heading down the stairs.

As he descended, he could hear giggling coming from the kitchen. Entering the room, he found his parents and Lexi enjoying each other's company.

"Afternoon, son. Are you hungry?" his dad asked as Jake walked in.

"Yes, please. Thank you," Jake replied, feeling the warmth of home envelop him.

"Daddy! I missed you!" Lexi exclaimed, running over to him. Jake bent down and lifted her into his arms, a smile spreading across his face as he relished the moment.

lifted her up into his arms, feeling her small body wrap around him in a familiar embrace.

"I missed you too, sweetheart," he said, smiling down at her. The kitchen was filled with the comforting aroma of lunch, and Jake could see his mom setting the table while his dad stirred something in a pot on the stove.

"How was your shift?" his dad asked, looking up briefly from his cooking.

"It was long, but it went well," Jake replied, adjusting Lexi in his arms so he could move towards the table. "Nothing too crazy today."

His mom chimed in, "That's good to hear. We were worried about you with all the calls lately."

Jake nodded, appreciating their concern. "Thanks, I appreciate it. I just want to relax today and spend some time with Lexi."

"Well, you're in luck! We made your favorite," his mom said, placing a plate down in front of him.

As they all gathered around the table, Lexi chatted excitedly about her latest activities, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm. Jake listened, enjoying the lively atmosphere and the sound of her laughter. It was moments like this that reminded him of the importance of family and the comfort of home.

After they finished eating, Lexi tugged at Jake's hand. "Can we play outside, Daddy? Please?"

Jake glanced at his parents, who exchanged knowing smiles. "Sure, Lexi. Let's go outside," he said, setting her down.

They stepped into the backyard, where the sun was shining brightly. Lexi raced ahead, her laughter echoing through the air as she ran toward the swings. Jake followed, feeling a sense of peace wash over him as he watched her play.

For now, the worries of the world faded away, leaving only the joy of the moment.

As he pushed Lexi on the swings, each gentle push sending her higher into the air. Her giggles filled the backyard, lifting Jake's spirits even more. He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the joy of being with his daughter.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed in his pocket, pulling him from the peaceful moment. He fished it out and saw his ex Erika's name on the screen. He hesitated for just a second, then swiped to answer.

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