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I am running.

I don't who or what I am running from, I am just running.

there's music behind me, gradually getting louder every minute, closing the distance between itself and me, biting at my heels.

I have to run.
My body will collapse then and there if I stop.

I can't slow down.
It's right behind me.

The walls....the paintings....the wallpaper.... in this hallway.

Im going to faint....

dizzying images of bloody animals and twisted smiles zip past me, as my foot lands on mushy puddles every now and then.

my sneakers.... they're getting wet.

I muster up the courage to look down, and my supposedly white shoes have turned red.

b-blood? on the floor?

My energy is running out....and before I knew it...I was slowing down.

The music is loud enough to hear now.
It's loud enough...for me to hear...
the lyrics.

Run rabbit run rabbit run, run, run.
Don't give the farmer his fun, fun, fun.
He'll get by~
without his rabbit pie
so run rabbit run rabbit,





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