A Deal Is A Deal

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Well this is my first story ... so I hope you guys like it! Please comment! and vote! and spread the word! I love all of you and I hope you like the story! :D

"I'm so excited for today! Argentina vs Bosnia today! I love the world cup!" exclaimed Niall. "I bet you are babe," Zayn said, kissing Niall's cheek. "But how about we have ourselves a little friendly bet?" Zayn smirked. Niall was a little thrown off at the tone of Zayn's voice, what would the bet even be about? "What kind of bet?" Niall then asked. "Well since you're rooting for Argentina and I'm rooting for Bosnia how about If Bosnia wins you have to do all the chores for a month." Niall thought about it for a second. "Okay, fine, it doesn't sound too bad ... Deal!" Niall shook Zayn's hand before saying his part of the deal. "Okay Zayn, well if Argentina wins, which they will," Niall said with a little wink. "You have to do a little something for me," Niall said with another wink. "What kind of something?" Zayn asked with a puzzling look. "Let's just say it involves the bedroom," Niall said with the dirtiest smirk Zayn's ever seen.

"Wow well then fingers crossed Bosnia looses!" Zayn said with a chuckle afterwards. "Then what's the point of watching the game Zayn!" Niall said with a bit of disappointment on his face. "Aw no babe I was just joking around, fine then, let the best team win." Zayn said before giving Niall a peck on the lips and bringing him in for a hug. "Zayn the games about to start, go get the drinks and snacks!" Niall exclaimed. "Coming right up Mr. Horan." Zayn said with a smile. While Zayn went to get the snacks, Niall made his way over to the couch, already wearing his Argentinean jersey, slumped himself on and turned on the t.v. "Foods almost done babe!" Zayn said from the kitchen. "Hurry up babe the games about to start!" Niall said.

Zayn loved that Niall had such a love for football it made Zayn smile whenever he saw Niall's face light up while rooting for his favorite team. Zayn loved seeing Niall happy and whenever there was a game on, Niall was surely to be smiling. "It's ready," Zayn said. "Finally," Niall cheerfully said. Zayn set the food on their living room coffee table and slumped right next to Niall letting him rest his head on his shoulder. Zayn loved Niall's warm embrace. Niall looked up too see Zayn looking down at him. "I love you Z," Niall said. "I love you more Nialler," Zayn said planting a kiss atop Niall's rosy pink lips. "It starting Zayn!" Niall cheered. "C'mon Bosnia give me a month of no chores!" Exclaimed Zayn. "Keep dreaming Zayn we all know Argentina's gonna win this one, Messi is playing aka the best footballer in the world!" Niall cheered. "Well you never know Niall things could go the other w-" Zayn got cut off by Niall's cheering. "C'MON MESSI GIVE US A GOAL!" Zayn just returned his eyes to the t.v and continued to watch the game.

- 90 minutes later -

"Did you see that!?" Exclaimed Niall. "Messi is a legend!" "Did you see that kick!?" "Messi won today big time! Amazing!" "Okay Okay Niall calm down yeah whatever Argentina won Bosnia 2-1 whatever it was a lucky shot." Zayn said with a bit of annoyance in his voice. "Luck!?" Niall said. "That was pure genius from Argentina!" Niall said. "Well seems like I'm stuck doing my regular chores." Zayn said kinda disappointed. "But a deal is a deal." Zayn said. "So how about the deal again ... you said bedroom?" Zayn said completely forgetting about the game they just saw. "In a rush aren't we?" Niall said with a smirk. It made Zayn melt. "Well a deal is a deal ... so what's my punishment?" Zayn said eager to see what Niall was going to do to him. "Well it is a bit late already so let's do this then." Niall said grabbing onto Zayn's arm and leading him to the bedroom before Zayn could even say anything else.

"I'm making you mine tonight." Niall said before pulling Zayn into a deep and passionate kiss. Zayn loved that Niall was so gentle and soft but he also loved Niall's dominant side and that's what he was getting. Niall and Zayn's tongues collided, each trying to win. Niall pulled away. "No no no," Niall said teasingly. "I won the bet, so I get to do what I want to you." Niall said before pulling Zayn in again for another kiss releasing a whine out of Zayn. This time Zayn let Niall's tongue win and Niall started to explore every inch of Zayn's mouth before pushing him on top of the bed. Niall started to take off Zayn's jersey revealing Zayn's colored body. "Stunning," Niall breathed out. Niall started planting love marks over Zayn's body making him shiver. Niall made his way to Zayn's waistline making Zayn whimper. "You're so beautiful," Niall said.

"I love you so much Zayn," Niall said before taking Zayn's pants off revealing all of Zayn. "Zayn," Niall whispered. "Yes Niall, please, I love you so much," Zayn managed to say before Niall started kissing him again. Zayn started to take Niall's shirt and pants off leaving both boys in their boxers. "Niall I need you, now, please," Zayn begged. Niall wanted more than anything to please his counterpart, but thought a little teasing wouldn't hurt anyone. "Anxious boy huh?" "Well wait, I'm in command tonight." Niall said with another one of his famous winks. Niall made his way to Zayn's length realizing he was hard. "Niall," Zayn shivered. Niall thought enough was enough and started rimming Zayn's bulge, boxers still on, making Zayn yelp. "Take them off Niall! please!" Zayn begged. "Your wish is my command," Niall said. Then without hesitating he took Zayn's boxers off along with his own leaving both boys naked. Without warning Niall started sucking Zayn off, making Zayn heave. Zayn could barely get Niall's name out. Zayn held on to the sheets. Niall let go and started kissing Zayn again. "You're so beautiful Zayn," Niall said before quickly inserting 2 fingers inside of Zayn, making him shriek. "Yes Niall more," Zayn stammered. "Don't worry babe it's coming," Niall said before inserting his already hard length into Zayn's hole. "Yesssss," Zayn hissed. "More, More" Zayn repeated. He sounded like a broken record layer, but Niall listened and started thrusting even harder making the bed rock. Niall let go of Zayn's hips and started massaging Zayn's cock making him sweat. "Niall please, more" Zayn yelled out. Niall smirked and started tugging at Zayn's cock giving him the friction he needed. Zayn was so close at hitting his climax. Zayn couldn't take the pain.

"Niall I'm gonna-" Zayn barely said. Niall ignoring him thrusted himself into Zayn again and started slamming into him. Every thrust getting harder. Zayn couldn't take it any longer. "You like that babe?" Niall asked. "Niall I-I," Zayn muttered. Niall ignoring him again thrusted harder making Zayn bang his head on the back board of the bed. "I'm there Niall," Zayn screeched. Niall felt Zayn's cock pulse. Niall thrusted into Zayn once before Zayn let himself go all over Niall's abdomen. "Babe," Zayn barely whispered. Niall turned Zayn over, pulling out of Zayn and lying right next to him. Zayn was speechless and sweaty. "Babe I love you," Zayn stuttered. "I love you more." Niall said, returning back to his cheerful persona and not the dominant top he had just been. "Best night of my life," Zayn said, his breathing returning back to normal. Both boys were tired and sweaty.

"Did you like my bet?" Niall asked. "Loved it, kinky though," Zayn said biting his lip. "But I like kinky." Zayn finished. Niall planted a kiss on Zayn's cheek before Zayn continued, "So how about we make another bet tomorrow, I think Chile and Australia are playing and I have an idea of what I'm gonna bet this time." Zayn said with a smirk making Niall swoon. "Oh shut up Zayn!" Niall said with a laugh. "What!?" Zayn laughed out. Niall gave Zayn another kiss before drifting into a slumber. Zayn wrapped Niall in his arms bringing him closer than before and kissing his forehead and whispering, "I love you with all my heart Niall.", getting a small noise of content from Niall in return making Zayn smile and drift off to sleep as well, cuddling the love of his life.

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