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It's been 4 years that my watch around my wrist turn around.

The watch that two soulmate have...let me explain:
Two soulmate have exactly the same watch,it's begin to turn around at the same time and when it stop the person who look at you is your I'm just wondering WHEN THIS FREAKING WATCH WILL STOP!!!

anyways,this evening I have a date with my best friend it's an amical date we two are best friend two years ago and we both search for our soulmate but we didn't found him/her,he's name is jimin and he's a lovely person kind and friendly unl-

"Verrr verrrr"

- it must be him- I said while signing

Whatever,I send him that I will come at 5 pm like always,cuz he ask when we will go together for our date.

Time pass by:


I hug him tight and when I'm mean tight I mean T.I.G.H.T,so I hope he will survive,by the way,I think we should go from each other now..

We sit down and order some drinks,and start talking about random things,until...the drinks come,haha!

Anyways,we both enjoy our time together,but I think jimin doesn't been in a good state these day ,I could tell that at school he had even skip class!! He never skip class unlike me...something is wrong with him,I'm sure he hide something from me

But the main thing it's not it'sthe main don't know what will I do for him now are friends from a long time why will he hide some thing from,I hope it's a good one.

It's a really short part but next time I will do a long one,it's just I don't have enough time for writing or even thinking about it,I'm just a teenager who think about studying the whole day or year cuz my parent are really straight with the fact that I'm a teenager and I should focus on my study...anyways it's a really boring life but I hope that my FF will be good for you as it's good for me


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