Unrequited Love To Mutual Love

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"Kido~ Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Kano said as he knocked at Kido's bedroom door. Kido silently opened her bedroom door and walked out, dragging Kano out of the house.

"You look so cute in a skirt!" Kano exclaimed. Kido blushes at his compliment and kicks Kano out of embarrassment.

"Ow!" Kano yelped, "Why'd you kick me?" He pouted. Kido stares down at the floor as she walked.

"Don't ignore me~" Kano said and hugged me from behind. Kido panics and elbows him in the stomach.

"Ack!" I heard him exclaim when my elbow hit him.

"Don't touch me, Baka Kano!" Kido glares at him and continued to walk to school. After that, we continued on to walk in silence. 'Aghh! Jeez, why do I always end up kicking him? Stupid, stupid!' Kido thought to herself. Kido glances back at Kano. 'He's sulking!' She thought. Kido giggles and suddenly sees Kano standing walking beside her.

"Why are you laughing?" Kano looks at Kido. Kido looks away and started walking faster.

"Wa-! Kido!" Kano shouts as he ran to catch up to her. Kido could see the school in a distance and broke into a run. As Kido reached the school, she hurries inside and changes her outdoor shoes to her indoor shoes. She jogs to her classroom and takes a sit. Kano came a few seconds later. He was out of breath and he looked around the classroom looking for Kido. He hasn't noticed Kido because she was using her eye ability to hide her presence. He sighed and entered the classroom taking the seat beside me.

Kido stares at him and noticed that he was clenching his hands together and looking really worried. She sighs and stops using her eye ability. Kano instantly noticed her and stood up in surprise.

"K-Kido!" Kano looks at her. Kido glares at him and looks back at the front. The teacher comes and scolds Kano for disrupting the class. Kido looks down, holding in her laughter. Kano stares at her and smiles. The teacher comes again and hits Kano in the head and asks him what he was smiling about. He blushes and doesn't say anything. Kido couldn't hold in her laughter anymore but luckily the other students where laughing too. Their laughter drowns out Kido's laughter. Classes soon ended and it was lunch time. Kido kept glancing at her bag and at Kano, thinking when or how she would give him his chocolates. 'Come on, Kido! You have to give it to him now! Now, is your chance! It's Valentines Day, after all! He won't care if you give him chocolates!' Kido cheered herself on. Kano stood up from his chair and walked towards me.

"Kido? Is something wro-" Kano was cut off by the suddenly opened door.

"U-um! Kano-san!" A girl stood by the doorway with her hands behind her back. Kano looked irritated but replied with a simple 'yes?'. Kano walks up to the girl and asks her what she needed.

"P-please accept these!" She hands him a box of chocolates and an unexpected thing happens.

"K-Kano-san! I-I like you! Will you be my boyfriend..?" She declares as her face turns red. Kano was surprised by the sudden confession. He scratches the back of his neck, thinking.

"I gladly accept your chocolates and I appreciate your feelings about me, but... I already have someone I like! Sorry!" He says as politely as he can. The girl had expected this answer but she couldn't stop the tears from flowing out of her eyes. She bows and thanks him for accepting her chocolates, she runs away as soon as she was done. Kano's expression had changed. He felt bad for hurting the girl but he couldn't help it. He liked someone else and he wanted to stay true to his feelings. Kido had seen the whole scene and suddenly felt discouraged about giving him the chocolates because she feared that he wouldn't accept her feelings. Kido sat there, listening to music and soon the bell rang, resuming classes that remained. Kido didn't pay attention to class for the first time. Her mind was somewhere else ever since lunch break, she had been thinking about the confession and everything else. Classes were over and Kido thought she had missed her chance to give the chocolates. She left the building, looking down and Kano, who had been waiting at the school gate spots Kido and walks up to her.

"Kido... Is it okay if I walked with you..?" Kano says staring at her. Kido simply nods and kept on walking. They walked in silence, Kano was itching to stop the silence and spoke up.

"Kido~! Oiii~!" Kano pokes Kido on the cheek. Kido ignores him and kept on walking. Kano kept on bugging her until she finally stopped walking. Kido, then rummages through her bag and takes out a box. Kano looked at her confused. 'I should ask her what it is..' He thought to himself. Before he could say anything, Kido tosses the box to Kano. Kano clumsily catches it.

"For me..?" He asks Kido. Kido nods and began walking towards her home. Kano opens the box and finds himself looking at a heart chocolate that's says 'Happy Valentines Day!' Kano smiles and ate it happily, savouring every bite.

'I have to go thank Kido!' Kano runs and catches up to Kido, who was standing at her doorstep. Tears were sliding down her cheeks. Kano freezes and slowly approaches her.

"Kido..? What's wrong..?" Kano puts a hand on her shoulder. Kido flinches in surprise and turns around to see Kano behind her. She rushingly wipes her tears away.

"N-nothing!" She said in reply.

"You were crying just now! That just can't be nothing..."

"I said it was nothi-!" Tears suddenly fell down her eyes, "Eh? Why?" She tries to wipe her tears away but it just kept flowing out. Kano suddenly hugs Kido and he slowly pats her head.

"It's okay now, don't cry... Kido.." He hugs Kido tightly as he whispered these words in her ears.

"Kano... I..." Kido utters words quietly.

"Take it slowly... Now, will you tell me what you just said..?" He asks Kido as he looks at her in the eyes. Kido shyly looks away.

"I love you..." She said a bit louder for Kano to hear. Kano looked at her in surprise and suddenly smiles.

"You finally said it, Kido..." He smiles at Kido happily.


"I love you too, Kido. I always have and always will." He says, blushing. Kido felt her heart beat faster and her face got hotter. Kano stared at Kido's flushed face and chuckles.

"You look cute when you blush..." He says as he leans in closer to my face. Kido felt his lips touch hers and her eyes widen in surprise. Kano was kissing her! As Kano pulled back, Kido fell to her knees.

"Kido!?" Kano kneels down in front of her, worried.

"S-Sorry... My legs..." Kido hesitates, "Y-you suddenly ki-kissed me... My legs... gave out.." She says as she stares at the ground, completely embarassed. Kano smiles and lifts her chin up.

"I love you, Kido." He says with a smile on his face. Once again, Kano softly kisses Kido's lips. Kido silently accepted his kiss. Kido pulls away and says, "I love you..."


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