We have all had the experience of observing our energy costs getting much higher and higher each and every month. In an attempt to decrease these bill, a couple of us have attempted to utilize even less power completely. Turning off lights and other appliances when not in use helps, but most of us know that the a/c is the biggest source of those high bills. During certain months, you can open the house windows and switch it off which will certainly do fine, but for many people who live in hotter climates (or just during the summer season) this isn't really a solution. So exactly what can someone do? Well, there is a product called an electricity saver that promises to help. An electric saver is a machine which is mounted in the house which recycles lost electrical energy and sends it back to the appliances for use. Products similar to this have existed for several years but have gone through dispute with various people insisting that they got a result, and others suggesting that it does not do anything. Well, fact is, if the unit is put in suitably, it DOES in fact work. In point of fact a video demo has just recently been published to the internet demonstrating the product's workability. Results of up to a 25 % decline of month-to-month electricity bills have been reported, with the norm being anywhere between 10 and 20 percent. Just how much might one expect to pay for this kind of an unit? Well, there are numerous different makers of electric savers, each charging a different amount of money. They are all generally the same product only big difference being the manufacture quality. Though a few units are sold for in excess of $700, we found a top quality one being sold for less than $150 (link at the bottom). It would undoubtedly be a great idea to check this out as you could very well easily start saving money each and every month without needing to alter your life as far as electrical usage is concerned.
Follow this link to learn more:[http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=221433462474&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT power saver 1200]