I might

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I might be watching you. I might see you there. I might be following you. Maybe you just don't see. I might know where you live, and I might be there too. I might be hiding in your attic, crawl space, or basement. And I might watch you as you sleep.

I might be waiting to walk past you, as your on you way to work. I might just have to look back, to see you walk away. I might sneak threw your back door, to see when you'll come home. I might go threw you kitchen, to see what diet your on.

I might be waiting for you, maybe to give you a scare. I might have the right mindset, to make a couple calls. Maybe I'm just here, for no reason at all. I might have left your house already, and left to trace to find. I might be running home now, hoping to see you again. I might be plotting something, anything, everything.

I might be running back now. I might be coming back. I might be opening your door. I might be walking down the hallway. I might have walked into your room. I might be creeping to your bed side. I might be looming over you.

I might be the shadow of your nightmares.

I mightWhere stories live. Discover now