Jeff X Young- The beginning

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You are a 16 yr old girl in the beginning. (y/n) = name (h/c) = hair color (f/c) = favorite color (s/h) = long/short hair.


I was in my room playing mini games on my laptop. (My parents got me a cheap one from a buddy last christmas) when I heard my mom call me. I ran downstairs from my room to the kitchen. Mom was standing there, she said, "Honey we're going to the market for a while, are you sure you can stay here alone? You won't get scared?" I repied, "Mom i'll be fine, ok? " I gave them hugs and they left. I sat on the couch watching the tv when I accidently pressed the channel button and it switched to the news. My eyes got wide when I heard what the news reporters said,

"Ominious killer still on loose, make sure you lock your doors and windows. If you think you know, or might have seen this man, call 911 immediately. We advise you not to be out late at night. This killer is very dangerous and can kill you on spot." Then they said that this killer has killed a large number of people this week. A shiver ran down my spine and I got goosebumps all over.

Did mom and dad know about this?  Why haven't they told me? I looked out my window to see my parents pulling into the driveway. I sat at the table and waited for them. I looked at the clock, "Jeez, they were gone for an hour, must have gotten stuck in the check out line." It was now 7:47 and I was happy they weren't home later. Being home alone with this killer on the loose does not sound fun.

My parents walked through the door holding bags of groceries. My mom asked,"Hey (y/n) can you come help and grab some of these please?" I got off of my seat and grabbed a few. Once I was done putting them away, I sat on the stool in the kitchen and said, "Umm... can I ask you guys something?..." My parents sat down in front of me. Dad said, " Sure what is it sweetie?"

"Well i was wondering if you guys saw what was on the news lately." They got a worried look on thier faces. Dad said, "Yes we did why..?" I looked up at them and frowned. "I didn't know if you guys were trying to hide it from me..." My mom said, "Well actually we were sweetie.." "B-ut why?" I stammered.

"Because we didn't want you to get really scared or freaked out or have any nightmares bacause of it." "Oh... ok then" I still wasn't sure why they were all that worried about me.

"Anyways (y/n)... its time for you to get to bed" "Really mom, It's a Saturday. I don't need to worry about waking up early tomorrow." "oh... fine then, but you need to go to your room and be quiet." I ran upstairs to my room and started drawing. I were really good at drawing. I mostly drew wilderness, forests, and wild animals anything nature themed really. 

I was finishing up a drawing of a stream when I thought you heard a creaking sound that was coming from the window. I immediately felt a surge of panic come over me. Oh god what if it's that creepy killer?! I went over to see that it was. I opened my window and called out quietly, "Hello?" I looked over to the direction of my woods behind my house and I thought I saw a glimpse of white.

I dismissed it. Come on man, why am I being such a baby? I'm obviously just freaked out about the whole "ominous killer" situation. My mom came in a couple minutes later to check on me. "Goodnight (y/n), see you in the morning." My eyelids felt heavy as I started to fall into a deep sleep. All of a sudden I woke up with sweat running down my forehead.  I looked over at my alarm clock and saw that it was 1:23 in the morning. I looked to right and saw my window open. What the hell? No way... I know I locked my window. A wave of panic began to consume me as my breathing and heartbeat sped up.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes to adjust more and what was in front of me made me catch my breathe and my stomach drop. I saw a man who looked about 17-19. He had a white hoodie on that was stained with what looked like fresh blood. Blood dripped down onto the black dress pants he wore. When I concentrated more on his face I could feel the color leaving my face. He y was unnaturally pale, he had no eyelids that looked as if he cut them or burnt them off and he had a large creepy smile from ear to ear. I saw that it wasn't even a real smile... it was carved, into his face!!

I was about to scream when he launched towards me and covered my mouth with his hand.He pushed me down and I tried to fight with all my might to get out of his grip but he was just too strong. He used his other hand to pull out a large, blood stained knife and held it up to my throat and said in a raspy voice, "Shhhh now, now, we wouldn't want to wake mom and dad up now would we?" I clenched my eyes clothes as the tears gathered and dripped down my cheek. Just as I thought he was about to kill me, something strange and odd happenend...


I do NOT own jeff!! And if this was crappy i'm sorry this is my very first story i'm putting out so please don't hate on me. And part 2 will be out soon!!

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