Their First Kisses.

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Title; Their First Kisses.
~Hello, guys! You may know me, maybe. I wrote another story on my profile and you may check it out if ya' want to. You don't have to, but if you want to, then please do.~

●This is my first Drarry one-shot and I hope you guys enjoy. I don't know if they'll be as good as the other one-shots on my other book; if they even are good; because you guys said it was, but I'm just saying this because I feel like it. Don't hate, please? I tried my hardest on my last book and I still will be updating, so, don't worry, I'll still update the other book.●

View; Third. Basically a story line.
Word count; 1,591.
April 4, 2018, Wednesday.


                It all started when Harry James Potter came to his first year in Hogwarts, Witchcraft and Wizardry.

When Draco Malfoy first saw Harry, his eyes were always glued to his form, the cold, grey orbs never left him. Offering his friendship to Harry, and Harry not accepting, took a turn for the worst. Now, they all say that the reason why Harry didn't take his hand, is because he wouldn't have ever let go. No. It was because Draco had to say something smart alek and ruin his chance. Ever since the day he had not accepted the friendship, he despised him. Hated him. No, he didn't like him, did he? Or did he? Draco never knew. He always thought the reason why he stared at Harry was because he hated him. The reason why he glared at him.. was because he hated him, right..? There is no difference between hate and love, they'd say, but didn't Draco really hate Harry?

Second year came on, the same feelings and thoughts never left Draco. During the break between Hogwarts years, his mind was always on Harry. It was. Was it because he hated him, or was it because he liked him? Was it because Harry got all the attention, or was it because he was jealous that the Weasley girl had clearly gotten Harry's heart?

Harry felt the same about Draco, surprisingly. He loved how Draco's platinum blonde hair was always slicked back, in the way that always fit him; and some times he's even wished he could run his hands through Draco's hair, so it looked untidy and unkempt. He knew he couldn't just do that though, could he? He couldn't just walk up to his sworn enemy and run his hands through his hair. No, that'd be the last choice he'd make.

Year three came and, yet again, their feelings never changed. Stealing glances at one another across the Great Hall, sharing glares, that Harry loved so much, in Potions Class, and accidentally bumping one another just to touch the other. It wasn't bullying, Harry had thought, it was just a way to express hatred. Draco wasn't bullying Harry, now was he? Harry never thought he was, so he kept it that way.

Year four came and Draco had grown tired of waiting for the boy he loved. Yes, loved. He's figured he doesn't hate Harry and he just loves him so much and he doesn't want to express it or show it or make it seem like he likes Harry in that sort of way, so he just expresses it the way a Malfoy would. Hatred. He decided that if he pretended to hate Harry, even when he didn't, that he should just pretend so it wouldn't seem like he liked him. Sure, Harry thought why Draco'd always look at him across the halls, with a lustful gleam playing at his great pools of grey eyes. He's asked Hermione, but she hadn't known what possibility of why Draco would be staring at  Harry. She just said to be careful because he might be into some skeem or trick.

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