Chapter 1

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"Go away!" She shouted through the door.

"Maka, come on! I'm sorry, I was just messing around! I didn't really mean-"

The door flung open, revealing an extremely pissed off Maka. I shut my mouth, silently pleading for her to not give me another Maka-Chop.

"You didn't mean it? HA! Bullshit! Of course you meant it! You say the same damn thing every time, so I think you DID mean it. And even if you didn't, it's true anyway! Yeah, I know I have NO sex appeal! I know I have a FLAT chest! And I KNOW no one in their right mind would fall for a BORING BOOKWORM like me! So even if you didn't mean it, the fact that you said it anyway doesn't make me feel any better!" Her emerald eyes were swimming with tears now, and I felt my heart plummet down to my stomach. I hated it when she cried. She looked so vulnerable and fragile. And I knew she wasn't that, because she's actually really strong and determined. Not to mention she can be pretty violent when she loses her temper. Though I guess you already knew that.

She looked down at the floor and took in a shaky breath, and another, and another. After several seconds, she looked back up at me, and this time I felt my stomach churn. Her eyes were dull, almost lifeless. "Just leave me alone. I'm not leaving my room, so you can go out with BlackStar and the others or go find some girl to pick up on the streets. I don't care anymore." She turned around and before she could even begin to close the door, I grabbed her wrist. She froze at the contact.

"Maka, listen-"

"Let me go now or I swear I will Maka-Chop you into next YEAR."

I hesitated for a moment before I let her go. She immediately slammed the door behind her, causing me to flinch. I stood there, staring at the hand I used to grab her wrist. I clenched it in anger, my knuckles turning white. I had to make her listen to me. But how? She won't talk to me and there's no way I can get her to come out of her room. She probably won't even come out to make dinner. Maybe if I made her something, I can somehow try to get her to at least say thank you-

I sighed, my hand dropping to my side. No, that won't work. That's happened before and she didn't eat anything the whole day. No point in wasting food if she's just gunna starve herself. Maybe if I bought her a new book that she wanted-

Nononononooooo. I shuddered, remembering the last time I did that. She had stared at it like she would set it on fire by staring at it so hard before giving me a brutal Maka-Chop with it. Shortly afterwards, I had realized that I gave her a book about how to prevent pregnancy (don't ask me why-I have no idea what went through my mind that day).

I walked to the living room and plopped down onto the couch, planting my face against my hands. What can I do to get her to listen to me?! I'm not gunna cook for the whole week, and I'm CERTAINLY not gunna clean the whole apartment...what else is there?!

A slow realization came to me, and I smirked. There is one thing that she can't avoid. She can't avoid the bathroom. She always brushes her teeth and washes her face and combs her hair before bed. Maybe, juuuust maybe....

I chuckled to myself. This should be fun. Thank god I knew her so well.


I stared at my wrist, the one Soul had grabbed. His skin was so warm, but I was still angry. He said the same thing to me all the time. 'No one smart enough would ever fall for a girl like you' or 'you're such a boring bookworm' or 'stop whining, tiny-tits, it's annoying'. I mean, I know it's true, but that doesn't mean I like it!!

I sighed in frustration. I needed to get some sleep. I can mope about it tomorrow.

I got up and changed into one of Soul's shirts that I had stolen from his room one time (what? They smell like him and believe it or not, they help me fall asleep). I may be mad at him, but that doesn't change the fact that I like him. Which obviously means that I lied about not caring if he went and picked up some girl off the street. I did care. A lot.

I silently opened my door and looked outside. I heard music blaring from behind his bedroom door. I sighed in relief and quietly walked to the bathroom to wash up for bed.

*five minutes later*

I opened the bathroom door and heard his music still blaring. I quietly tip-toed out, silently closing the door behind me, and walked into my room, closing the door with my foot without looking back. I grabbed my phone off from my nightstand and plugged in my earphones. I turned one of my favorite songs and was humming along with the tune while looking for a book I had been reading earlier. While looking for it, I began to sing along with my favorite part of the song:

"So we can take the world back from a heart attack
One maniac at a time we will take it back
You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start
So dance alone to the beat of your heart"

I began to dance while singing, moving my hips along with the beat.

"Hey young blood
Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Wearing our vintage misery
No, I think it looked a little better on me-"

"Yeah, it definitely looks better when you're doing that," said a familiar deep voice right by my ear.

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