Paper PaNiC

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Paper Panic


The cold autumn wind pulls leaves from the ground, caressing them as they dance around the street. I grasp my hoodie tightly, feeling the morning chill. My school looms tauntingly in the distance, my home moving further away with each step. My feet move mindlessly across the sidewalk and into a cluster of students. As I peer over a sea of people, a brightly coloured blur catches my eye.

"ALICE," It yells, pushing me back into the wave of grade tens.

The small blur of bright green hair pulls me back from the throng of people.

"Good morning Max," I cough.

"Sick already? C'mon Al it's only Monday," Max teases, jumping as a RINGING cuts through the conversation like a knife through butter. The bell signaling the start of the day.

"Me sick? Never. Let's get to class early so I don't have to help you with your Grade nine homework," I suggest, giggling as we make our way towards crowded doors.

"You're one year older than me Alice...ONE!" Max whines as I drag them into the school and the madness of a new week.

Initial Incident

The day passes by a mess of murky memories and endless writing. As i sit on my bed at home, I remember feeling a buzz from my pocket last period. I reach over my schoolwork to grab my phone; papers and pens shift as I sit back up. I check my unread messages.

-Unknown- You look much prettier in person than in your profile picture. I freeze. Feeling unsettled, I delete the text and block the number. It was probably nothing right? A cold gust of air from the open window pulls me from my thoughts. I lay down amongst a mess of papers and bedsheets. The sunlight fades and the sky turns to black as I begin a restless sleep.

Rising Action

My feet hit the pavement rapidly as I rush through doors and to my locker, my lungs burning from the rush. A white piece of paper is stuck to the metal door. Picking up the note I read it slowly. That wasn't very nice. Wouldn't want anyone finding out about IT would we ;). My breath catches as my eyes skim across the last line. I rip the note from my locker and stuff it into my coat pocket. Maybe I shouldn't have deleted the text.

The morning drags on slowly until lunch hour. I'm shaking as I search for Max through a grey cloud of people I don't recognize. Feeling overwhelmed I seek asylum in an empty corner. Taking a deep breath I attempt to look again, but to no avail. Max was nowhere to be seen.

I need to tell someone. Anyone! Preferably Max. Just as panic begins to creep into my mind, my green haired saviour arrives. They're breathing heavily, as if they were running.

"Sorry- Al," Max takes a deep breath, "Mr.B kept us late"

They mutter something about lectures and...Communism?

They look at me concerned, "What's wrong Alice?"

I look down suddenly very, very nervous. Taking a shaky breath I let Max help me out of the corner. They brush hair away from my face.

"I- uh... remember when we made those fake GTDA accounts?" I stutter out, twiddling my fingers.

"What about them?" Max questions, pulling me to the nearest empty table.

Sitting down, I avoid Max's gaze, "I kept mine." I look around before continuing,"and now I think... I think someone's stalking me"

Max stands still, processing the information. Pulling out the note from earlier I hand it to them looking down at my feet.

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