× A Story About Them ×

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Hi!! You're about to read a.. Jhavo fic-- No wait,, uhhhhhh- a Shavohn!! Ok guys Idk please read it knowing that I was really bored
Bye I love you all


The esplanade was very quiet that day.

Heavy, big clouds were giving the sky a greyish look, and the air seemed paralyzed.
There wasn't anyone out there, and it looked like it was going to rain in some minutes.
But it wasn't cold, really.

The two men were pretty close to the sea, looking at the dark waves jagging below the pier's ground.
There still was a bit of sunlight passing through the clouds, and the wind was flowing between them and their clothes.
Shavo decided to put on a faded-blue sweater, with its hoodie up on his head, and an old leather jacket. He was pretty sensitive to cold.
His friend looked more comfy instead: his jacket's sleeves were up, and a white, soft t-shirt leaned on his skin.

They didn't talk a lot, that day.
They decided to go out from pure boredom, and found themselves one next to the other.
The sound of sea filled their ears, meeting their thoughts.

-I like this day.
John smirked tenderly. His face looked pretty happy and relaxed. His hands were in the pant's pockets, as his eyes stared at the horizon.
The other looked towards him, at the sound of his words.
-You do?
He asked quietly, with a warm tone.
-Yes. Autumn smells like...
The smaller gently kicked a rock, sighing.
-..Sleep and books.
Shavo laughed a bit, looking at him while tilting his head.
He really loved listening to his words, everytime.
His eyes always looked so interested while paying all of his attention to the other man. And no matter how much stupid those conversations would have been, Shavo remained hypnotized by every little detail of him.
As he fell in love, day to day.
-Yeah, I read a lot during this period, usually..
-..You're very cute.
Some seconds passed, before Shavo realized what he had said, as he immediately blushed very hard.
-I, I mean-- Reading.. Reading is pretty cool, you know?! I like reading. Yeah! Books.
He laughed nervously, looking away while biting his bottom lip.
The other giggled, silently, taking a little step to get closer to him.
-Yeah, I love books.
He kept his sight on the sea, still smiling, while passing one hand through his hair.
Shavo looked so adorably innocent to him.
And God, if John loved it.

The taller looked to the ground, silently. John's hand slided down from his hair and reached the pocket again, putting just the thumb inside of it.
And Shavo noticed it, as he shyly moved his own hand to his, in order to take it, slowly.
The smaller held it too after a while, cuddling the skin with soft fingertips.

-U-Uhm.. We're, we're holding hands..
-Yeah, we do, I think..
Shavo tried to look at him, but his timid eyes couldn't raise up from the ground.
-Do I.. Uh, hm,,
John asked to the man, not directly watching him.
-...Do I hold it well..?
He murmured, visibly embarrassed.
The other looked at him with big eyes, as his heart fluttered a bit.
-..Yes, you're holding it so fine.
He smiled sweetly, looking at him. They met each other's eyes for a moment, as the taller smiled, without saying a word.
John analyzed him for a while, his eyes running all over him.
A slend, tall man with gentle eyes and a soft, pale skin.

It didn't take a lot to understand that he fell in love with him.
John felt so many things for Shavo. Most of them were desires.
He craved his hugs, his hands, his presence near him.

And he got pretty close to heaven when his crush suddenly turned to him, to hold him mildly in his arms.

-Is.. Is there something wrong..?
The shorter whispered near the other's ear, after a while, and hugged him too around his waist.
-Hm no... Can I still hug you?
John felt his heart burn at those words, and went to hug the taller man tighter, hiding his face in his neck.
-Of- Of course, I would never refuse your hugs.. I can't do that...
-Neither do I..

They stayed silent for a while.
John could hear his friend's breath, while his hand caressed his back.
The taller one lifted his head a bit, which was leaned on the other's shoulder by his chin.

-U-uh, yes?
-Can I tell you something..? It's.. I-it's pretty important to me.
John looked down. His nose was a bit red, like his cheeks, as he seemed slightly worried.
-Oh.. Yes, yes of course..
Shavo took a step back, feeling a shiver brought by the wind.
The shorter sighed fastly, closing his eyes for a second.
-You are.. I- I really feel a lot of things for you.
He kept looking down, blushing more.
-I feel like my head is going to explode everytime I see you, and I burn inside when we got contact. I'd like to put what I want to say into words, but I can't.. I feel like- I don't know how to--
-N-No, please, don't misunderstand.. I don't want to bother you..
His voice was broken, and weak.
-I just..--
-John, listen here, listen to me.. I'd like to say some things, too...
The smaller shushed immediately, looking up, so nervous.
The other man tried to organize some words into his head, before starting to talk, low voiced.
-I know what you wanted to say and I also knew that we had to talk about this, someday. I, I like you, John, I like everything about you.. I want to-.. I want to hold hands with you, and lie next to you, and- And kiss you, I want to kiss you till I loose my breath, because I love you, I love my best friend more than everyone else...
His eyes went lucid, as his heart started to go faster.
-I want to hold you close and cuddle, I- I want to sleep with you.. And I want to say "I love you" everytime I look into your eyes, because it's the only thing that I need to say to be happy...
-I love you, John..
He smiled softly, as his eyes were watching the other through the warm veil of tears that was covering them.
And John didn't wait to answer, as he took the other's face with both hands, giving him a closed kiss. Shavo blinked in surprise, before shut his eyes and begin to kiss him, opening his lips a bit.

Both of them crossed their hands with each other's, in that 2001 autumn evening, while some raindrops started to fall on them.
But they didn't even notice.

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