chapter one - the auction

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I had a very interesting dream the other night and it inspired me to start this book.
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*Zion POV*

I have just finished cheering at the last football game of my senior year. After grabbing my bag, I begin to walk towards my car alongside my best friend, Bailey. "Zion, I can't believe that was the last football game of our high school career!" Bailey says. "I know! But we still have a long cheer season ahead of us, Bai!" I laugh as I nudge her. We arrive at Bailey's car first. We hug goodbye and she gets in her car.

Once I get to my car, I throw my bag in the trunk and start my car. I pull out of the parking lot and drive onto the main road. I'd only been driving for a good 5 minutes when my TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) light came on, indicating that I have a flat tire.

I safely pull over to the side of the road and get out of my car. Inspecting my tires, the front right one has a big slash in it. My car doesn't have spare tires because they are supposed to be Run Flat tires, but this slash is too big to safely drive on.

I call my mom to see if she could come pick me up, but she doesn't answer... She's probably out with her friends. Luckily, my house is only a few blocks away and it should only be a 10 minute walk. The only problem is, I'm not in the safest part of town at the moment.

I lock my car and begin my walk home, leaving my bag in the trunk. It's only about 9pm but the darkness makes it feel much later. I start to speed up, trying my best to make it home safely. I really wish Bailey hadn't gotten grounded and gotten her phone taken away, otherwise I could've called her and gotten a ride home... Because it's really starting to feel like I'm being followed. A 17 year old girl in a cheerleading uniform walking the streets alone at night probably looks like great prey to hunt, and I'm starting to get scared.

Every few seconds I look behind me, but see no one. My anxiety shoots through the roof when I hear the sound of a car. I quickly look at the road and there's a black van following close behind me... That wasn't there before. I start running as fast as I can and I hear the van speed up behind me.

I look back to see how close it is, but as soon as I turn my head towards the direction I'm running in *SMACK* I run straight into a lamp post. Falling backwards onto the ground, I hear the screech of a car coming to a quick stop. I turn around to see a group of guys getting out of the van. I try to get up as fast as possible but, by the time I start to run, I'm being grabbed by one of the men. I start kicking, screaming, and biting.

A cloth is placed over my nose and my mouth, but I know what it's for. I immediately hold my breath and continue to struggle in the man's arms, trying to resist being put in the van. I can't withstand oxygen any longer so I take a huge breath in, and everything goes black...

I wake up in what seems like a basement. I'm laying on a disgusting mattress and I'm still in my cheerleading uniform. I burst into tears. I'm going to die. I'm going to be murdered. I'm going to be raped and killed OR I'm going to be killed and my corpse will be raped. All I know is that I'm going to die.

I pull my legs into my chest when the steel shitty door bursts open, revealing three of the men that kidnapped me. I open my mouth to scream but quickly close it when a gun is pointed at my head.

"Get up and don't cause problems or I will blow your brains out." The man with the gun says. I slowly get up, my entire body shaking. One of the other men speaks up. "Your little uniform is going to make us a lot of money today, we are very lucky we found you." I start to cry even harder when he grabs my arms and yanks me out of the room (which ends up not being a basement, it's just a real shit hole).

As the men are walking me down a hallway, I decide to ask questions. "What... what are you going to do to me?" The man with the gun responds, "Us? We're just going to auction you off. The rest is out of our hands."
"You mean... I'm going to be sold to some.. some sick pervert?!" I whisper yell, making sure not to 'cause problems.'
"Pretty much!" The man with the gun says, with too much excitement.

We approach a door at the end of the hallway, and a beautiful woman welcomes me on the other side. "Hi sweetheart what's your name?"
I hesitate to respond, but eventually say, "Zion." The woman smiles at me and asks, "What about your last name, darling?"
The woman reaches out her hand and introduces herself, "It's very nice to meet you Miss. Zion Fleming, my name is Margret."
I shake her hand and mumble "Nice to meet you too."

"Come in! Have a seat! Let's get you a glass of water!" Margret says as she pulls me into the nice room. I notice one of the windows, and see that the sun is starting to set. How long was I out?
She points at one of the couches and tells me to take a seat. We both sit down, Margret on a different couch across from me, as one of the men brings me a glass of water. Dying of thirst, I immediately gulp half of it down.

"Alright sweetie, I know this is tough but I have to ask you a few questions before you're examined!" I nod slowly as Margret starts to write things in a notebook. "Alright Zion, how old are you?" Margret looks up at me and smiles widely. "I'm 17 years old."
"Perfect! This questions a little more personal, but are you a virgin? Don't think about lying because they will check during your examination!" I wipe the tears off my face and stutter, "No. I'm.. I'm not a virgin."

Margret gasps but then squeals with delight. "Usually that's not a good thing. BUT today, we have a very special buyer! It's his first time ever participating in an auction, but based off of his application it seems that virginity is not important to him!" I stare at Margret with confusion. How could this be a good thing? How can someone be so excited about selling a 17 year old girl?

Margret finishes up with the questions and let's me use the bathroom, then leads me to a room that looks like a doctors office. A man examines my entire body and then brings me back to Margret.

"Luckily, I won't have to do too much preparation since you're already so beautiful!"
She exclaims. "Preparation?" I ask, very confused. "You see most of our girls need a full makeover, but you are almost perfect! All I need to do is fix your hair and you'll be ready to go!"

After Margret straightens my hair and places the bow back in my hair (at the back of my head), she jumps up and down and pulls me into a big hug. "You are perfect!" She yells like a proud soccer mom.

The three men come into the room and lead me down a dark hallway where I'm met with another woman. "You must be Zion." She says with no emotion. I nod my head. "Let me tell you the rules. Don't cry while you are being auctioned, it'll weaken your appeal. Don't move. Don't talk. Don't do anything. Understand?" She says very sternly. "Yes ma'am." I respond. She grabs my arm and pulls me into a dark room. "Face this way." She points to a wall of the room. "And stand there." I look down and notice a circle on the floor and stand on it. The door shuts behind me, and I'm left alone in a pitch black room.

I flinch when bright lights suddenly come on, and now I can see that I'm standing in front of a glass wall... well, a giant window. On the other side of the window are a bunch of men and women, both old and young. They're all sitting at tables with buttons in front of them.

A women's voice says, "Good Evening ladies and gentlemen! This is Miss. Zion Fleming and she is our last auction of the day! Before we get started, she is 17 years old and is NOT a virgin. I repeat NOT a virgin. Let's start the bidding at $500,000!" $500,000???? Damn how rich are these people?

I am overwhelmed with the sound of buzzers going off, one after the other. The woman's voice booms, "We have $1 million. $1.2 million. $1.3 million. $2 MILLION! Going once! Going twice! SOLD! To Mr. Onfroy!"

Sorry for the long chapter! Vote and comment!!!

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