Monday,march 31

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Today is the first day of school and I'm so not looking forward to it because I left Debbie high because everyone kept bullying me and it inturupted my studies....

So when I walked in I saw a girl,she was one of the popular girls and she welcomed me...

"Hi!you must be Chloe,"she said

"Yeah!I am,who are you?"I said wierdely...

"OMG I can't believe you said that!!well I'm the most beuatiful,smart,pretty,popular girl in school and your looking so stupid,your looking like a pig!"she said

And I just wanted to say,"hey!your looking like a pig wearing so much menicures and lipstick(but I just said that in my head so no one could hear me)

But instead I just walked away....

So at lunch two girls sat next to me and they were pretty nice😊

"Hi,could we sit here"one of the girls said..

I said,"sure"

And we were quiet for 30 seconds and then...

"Hi I'm Diana,you must be..."dianna said Sweetly

"Chloe,and who are you?"I asked curiously

"Oh!I'm crystal,"said crystal

Then we talked about school and all and I had a great time with my new friends!

And I have there phone numbers too,they were so polite to me and I loved that.oh and let me tell you that we're gonna hang out after school!i can't wait

So at chemistry,that mean girl called becky threw a paper ball at me and it had a lipgloss on it and I thought she was sharing it but in the Paper it was written,through this for me

And I was so angry😡but I couldn't do anything so after school me,crystal and dianna went to the mall and it was so much fun.....


Chloe's diaries-drama schoolWhere stories live. Discover now