.A lost love.

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She was an angel resting in peace, dreaming of what she had lost, hoping that the agonizing pain would leave, an angel with its wings lost far a way, stripped from her, take away, she may think it was worth it, she may think that love comes with a sacrifice, but what would an angel know of love, specially when he was nothing but a demon, a devil with a broken heart she thought she could fix, a lost life given to him by an angel, he often wondered why would such a beautiful creature give away all its beauty for just a kiss, a hug or maybe just a word, after all heaven was not a place for demons nor was hell a place for an angel, but where he found peace so did she and now she longs for her lost wings and he longs for his lost heart.

Every thing comes for a price even when not expected.

Maybe the time was wrong or the place was cursed; maybe all they did wrong was see the best in each other or maybe they just won't made to be.

Nor were we.

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