song on the side for each chapter- just there to listen to i obviously don't own, it but yah enjoy!
Chapter 1- come as you are (Nirvana)
Ive always been shy or "unsociable" as my mother puts it. Other people just don't seem to want to talk to me, so why would i want to talk to them? I enjoy my own company and a constant stream of music through my ears rather than some random person rambling on about something i couldn't give a toss about. When i was younger around the age of six or seven i was the target of bullying. I think its just normal though. I never told anyone because no one would care anyway. It wasn't as though they were hurting me physically. It was just cruel words that stuck with me. I was the target because i was easily broken, a few harsh words would have me breaking down in sobs like some pathetic weakling who couldn't stand up for them self. I learned fast after that i needed to build a wall. A strong hardly unbreakable wall that no one would be able to climb over to hurt me again. It still stands Strong now. I ignore anyone who treats me like I'm nothing until they get bored of my unresponsive self and move on to some other kid who doesn't deserve to be bullied. I never did stand up for myself or anyone else, no one ever stood up for me. The little communication i had with a kid my age wouldn't matter as they soon went back on their "friend" role.
I groan and role over, shifting my body so I'm not lying on my arm. school today, its Monday. My alarm clock still hasn't emitted its dreaded beeps. Its so warm and cozy under the covers i don't want to get up, but I'm wide awake there's no chance of sleep now. I wait for my alarm clock to demand me to get up.
beep, beep, bleep, bleep!!!!
I smack my hand on the off button of my alarm clock and swing my legs out of bed. I take a huge yawn, stretching all of my sleeping muscles. I get out of my be bed and stride over my clear floor towards my bedroom door. I yank it open and head down the hall to the bathroom. stripping off my clothes i turn on the shower and jump in ,once i am out of my sweaty night clothes. Yuck.
I rub my self down with my towel and wrap it around my body. I dash across the hall back to my room. i look at the time, 7:30. iv e only get half an hour to get my butt out of this house. I pull my wardrobe open and scramble through my collection of baggy band t-shirts and skinny jeans grabbing a Beatles top and a black pair of jeans. I put on my mismatched underwear and clothes pulling my long wild ginger hair into a manageable ponytail. I don't care how i look as long as i don't ruin my top. i scan my bookshelf and grab a random book off my shelf. I don't mind which one I've read them all and love them all the same. I also grab my cheap but loved mp3 player from its place under my pillow and grab my ratty bag that's barley in one piece, carefully placing my book, the hunger games and my mp3 into its inside. I sling my bag over my shoulder and rush down the stairs nearly tripping over the toys my brothers have left out.
I stare at my mucky black converse that I've had for at least two years. I'm waiting for the bus at the bus stop a couple of minutes from my house. I go to a secondary school called S.S high school. It has hardly any rules apart from passing classes and not doing drugs or anything on school grounds. This means we are allowed to wear what we want. I think i would honestly die if i had to go to the school down the road. As much as i hate my own school, Hathaway has to be ten times worse with a strict dress code of a pleated skirt for girls, a crisp white shirt, knee high socks, a horrible piss and poo coloured tie and this huge brown blazer that never fits any of the students.
My school bus arrives rammed with noisy teenagers. I really wish i could walk but i have no choice, i live miles away from my S.S high school. I'm sixteen so its not as bad as it used to be, getting the bus. its almost as soon as i turned sixteen everyone stopped trying to trip me up on the bus and stealing my music but its far from a jolly ride.
I step onto the bus and pay with the change in my pockets. I look round and dip my head finding a seat by the window.
" ugh god she always looks like someone has just dragged her to Russia and back, has she looked at herself?" I hear Casey the school nobody but tries to be popular by pulling others down type of girl half shout. She wouldn't be able to point Russia out o the map if it was highlighted in bright yellow but people giggle anyway.
I park my bum and instantly pull out my earphones out drowning every ones voices out. I play Nirvana and tap my foot to "come as you are" . I pull my book out ,the Hunger games and surround my self with the character's imaging their voices talking to me.

Silence isn't always Golden
RandomFlorence has always been a no-body, no one really knows her, not even her family but she likes it that way. She lives in her own world, a silent one. Her world is suddenly disturbed and she finds that some times silence isn't always golden. p.s i in...