Getting back home.

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The rest of the trip dragged on. And the flight home was excruciatingly long. I didn't get much or any sleep on the flight. My anxiety kept spiking which made me jumpy. Dad did his best to keep me distracted and redirect me when something triggered me.

We got back on Monday at 2pm after leaving America at 9pm. I received texts all through the day from Tom, checking in on me after I told him I was having a rough anxiety day.

Once we landed and got our luggage and went to the car. I started to feel a little more at ease. The car ride home was calming and I even dosed off a few miles before we got home.

Upon arriving home, I was pleasantly surprised to wake up to the sound of Toms voice and gentle touch. "Erin... wake up Beautiful.... Welcome home.... I missed you." He says rubbing my hand stimulating me to wake up. I open my eyes and reluctantly sit up. "There's my pretty girl." He says brushing my hair out of my face.

"Hi." I croak, sounding like I'm dying. My eye lids feeling like they're being weighed down.

"You want me to carry you in?" He asks, glancing back at the front door. I can't see Mom or Dad but they doesn't mean they're not here. They're probably watching from somewhere. "Come here." He says sliding a arm under my knees and one behind my back. I jump and a startled squeak of protest escapes me at the unusual practice. "Shhh, you're ok. Go back to sleep." He encourages, staring to walk towards the house. I settle into him, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

I bob in and out of consciousness as we enter the house. I hear him, at a whisper, ask where my room is. "Up the stairs third door on the right." I heard Dad say, I'm not sure of where from. Tom knowing sends a slight millisecond of panic through me but I ignore it as he heads up the stairs. Toms walks down the hallway and I think I can make out the sound of another pair of footsteps behind him but I'm not sure. It feels like he's been walking forever when he squats a little and open my door, pushing it open.

He enters cautiously, pausing for a moment to pull back my covers, I assume. He lays me down gently in bed and pulls the covers up to my shoulders.

I fight falling back asleep as I feel myself getting dragged back under. I feel him lean in, "Sweet dreams Beautiful." He whispers, kissing me one the forehead.

Dad clears his throat, getting Toms attention. He must have motioned for him to leave because I hear footsteps and then the door closing.

Whoa sir. I didn't give you permission for that.
But it was kinda sweet.
But he kissed me.
But now dads gonna chew him up.
Maybe I should get up.
Nah, he'll be ok. Dad'll be nice about it. And I'll text him when I wake up.

With the blankets now warm form my body heat, I fall back asleep.


I wake up, everything's dark.

Middle of the night. I look over at my clock; 3:58am. Darn, guess I'm not sleeping anymore tonight.

I get up glancing around the room, something feels off. I stand up and walk around, can't find anything. I go back to sit on the edge of my bed and take my phone, there's a text from Tom.

Uh oh. Here we go. I think to myself remembering him kissing me on the forehead with Dad right there.

Tom: Hey Beautiful, you're probably going to get this when you wake up, probably in the middle of the night but I wanted to let you know that your dad didn't yell at me, harshly. He did say that he wanted you to decide if that's what you want so kissing you with asking and while you were half asleep wasn't the best idea on my part but I totally understand and see where he's coming from and I do agree. Sooo I thought I'd let you know because I think you were awake until I left and you were left of a cliffhanger, lol. I love you, sleep well.

After that, I scroll through Instagram for a while before getting bored and frustrated with it.

I go downstairs, I can see a lights on from the stairs. That's odd. I tell myself. I walk into the living room and see Dad sitting on the couch reading something, can't see what.

"Hey, Baby-girl, can't sleep?" He whispers. I shake my head going into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I drink about half a cup before setting the glass on the kitchen table and going in the living room to join Dad. He pulls back his blankets and motions for me to sit. I sit beside him sharing his blanket and I can't help but think about Molly and how she doesn't have a dad that she could be with when she can't sleep.

I lean over and we both adjust to be more comfortable. He puts his arm around me which makes me feel warm and safe. With my head on his chest, I can hear his heartbeat, slow and steady, which makes me start to fall back asleep. And after a few minutes I do leaning against my dad, comfortable.

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