Biley's, Games

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All children love to play. Bliey, also, used to play many kinds​ of games. He liked to play marbles and ball games. He also liked to climb tree as all boys do. Sometimes Biley and his friends would play ' king and court'. Biley was always the king. Something they would play at being sages. They would sit cross-legged with their hands hands in their laps, and their eyes tightly closed. They had seen grown-up men and women sit like that, when they were thinking of God.

Biley used to see like a little Buddha when he sat like that. When he played this game, he said very Still with his eyes closed. He would think only of God. He would forget everything else. He did not know what was going on around him. But his friends could not sit still so long. They would close their eyes for a while, open them now and then to see what the other were doing and what was happening all around them.

One day, when they were playing this game of meditation on the terrace of Biley's house, the boys saw a snake crawling along the flow towards them. It was a deadly cobra!

They jumped up and ran away as fast as they could, shouting:'Biley! Biley! Come Away! Hurry, hurry! There is a big cobra. It will bite you. Run! Run!'

But Biley did not Hear them at all. He is still sat there with his eyes closed. He was thinking only of God. He did not know what was going on around him.

And what did the cobra do? It moved around on the floor for a while, and then it went away. It did not do any harm to Biley!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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