OK funny thing

12 1 0

Just like the title says, funny thing, this morning I woke up and went into the living room to see what my lil bro was watching. Now my hair is EXTREMELY oily and greasy so I felt that I needed to shower.

My dad was in the bathroom and just came out, so I stood up and stretched to go in. When I normally stand up after siting to laying down for a while, I get my vision blurry and with yellow obtacle illusion like squares. So when I stood up that happened to my vision.

Then, all the sudden I couldn't see anything. I just heard *KA-THUNK!* It was all a blur besides that. I just opened my eyes and it felt like a dream. I woke up in the corner by the couch and the wall.

The living room is a square with a door way in the corner. The couch is right by that doorway. One side of the hallway is straight back until it meets the back wall splitting off to two room doorways to the right and the kitchen to the left. The right side of the hallway is met by the corner of my parents room.

I apparently fell face first into the wall and probably hit my cheek on the corner. When I woke up it didn't hurt until I stood up.

I still haven't showered cause I'm scared of fainting and not being able to be helped. But ya...I'm kinda stupid.

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