All I Have

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My strength is all I have

And my mental block is gone

I have regrets of my past

Some memories should last

My inability to pass over

My personality not sober

Why can I return to myself?

I hear Princeton calling to me

I hear his heart has ran dry

Like a faucet

Water drops doesn't it?

Princeton has no heart to give

His pieces scattered like Soul Edge

He doesn't like Time

Time has ravaged the proud warrior

I hear the fallen Prince's cries

He wishes to save his Daisy

His damage count in red

No signs of him in her thoughtful head

The screams echo in my halls

His screams of anguish

As the Prince cries

All hope dies

Is this what love is?


An excuse for the Reaper for come early and reap?

The fuck does love mean?

Why does everyone find their star?

He is lost in the abyss, in the dark

Princeton is a senior

Princeton is an artist

A dancer

A gamer

But I, TheRedRage, knows what he is





Alive in body

Dead in soul

I say he is weak

He holds to the false hope that the wolf will seek out her wounded lion

He cries, stresses, and screams for her

As far as he sees

Its not so reciprocated

Princeton will never return

I will keep him safe in Astral Chaos

In the Red Gates he once avoided

I, TheRedRage, will have my fun

Maybe seek out the other power

But now know Princeton is mine

Try to harm him now

I dare you



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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