Chapter 4

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ALERT! ALERT! This is a FILLER CHAPTER. I have exams and therefore have not had much time…but I felt horrible because it has been so long, so here it is. Definitely not my best…but here it is nonetheless.




“Update,” I say walking into the lounge look-a-like.

“My sources say he’s keeping everything on lock down, it’s extremely dangerous getting the information,” Mason says standing and looking up from he’s phone.

“It must be really important if he’s keeping everything hush-hush,” I add.

“I’m getting that vibe too, “he replies frustrated.

“But we need that information; this could possibly the thing that ends it all, the thing that destroys everything. We have to find out more and destroy it first.” I say darkly, rubbing a hand down my face and through my hair.

“I know! Don’t you think I know that?! We’re trying to find out all we can but it’s getting hectic. Everyone close to him is too tight lipped! I can’t freaking get anything. I’m starting to think of going there myself…maybe they’re just not skilled enough,” he practically screams in frustration.

I could see this situation taking its toll on him. He had bags under his eyes and might as well have had a permanent scowl of his face. He was usually the carefree one so I knew this was getting real bad.

Usually, had this been anyone else, I would have been pissed at their tone of voice; I might even have blown up.  But this was Mason and Mason was practically my brother. I knew he felt just as strongly about this as I did, because he knew the importance of this whole ‘mission’.

“No, you know that’s too risky. We loose you we might as well loose the whole thing; I need you there with me. We’ll thing of something,” I say calmly trying to reassure him while internally I’m screaming out in desperation. I had a feeling that whatever Jason was planning – it was big…and definitely not pleasant. At the moment we had just the basics…it involved a weapon, a deadly one…a girl. What we didn’t know however, was how this weapon worked and what it did. No one but Jason knew that. He has the upper hand and I don’t like it…at all.

The only thing we have going for us at the moment is the girl. All we have to do is keep has with us and his plans will have to come to a standstill.


I’m in the gym letting out my frustrations when I get the call. The call that changes the dynamics of everything. The call that might as well have signed our death warrants

*Five minutes earlier*

My phone had just started ringing so picking it up I breathlessly answered.


“Um…sir, w-we have bad news.” One of my ‘appointed’ stuttered.

“Go on…”

“The girl, Scarlett…she es-escaped.”

 “WHAT!’ I roared down the receiver, “Where is she now?” I asked attempting to calm down and think rationally.

“We’re not sure but we think…”

“Where is she?!” I repeated, getting frustrated.

“We found a message found by a lock of her hair…we suspect she escaped and was then taken by…”

That’s when everything clicked…that’s when I knew, but for the sake of my sanity I had to be sure. It had to be definite. “By who damnit! BY WHO?!”

“Sir it was Jason…”

As soon as the words left his mouth…I knew. I knew we had all been thrust into the abyss and we had to find our way back. After this there was no turning back. There were no take backs. All the moves made now would be permanent and possibly deadly. We were now playing for our lives.

The phone slipped from my hand. When they said bad news I had no idea how bad it would turn out to be.  





Thanx so much oh lovely people :P

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