Part 1

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The streets were lit up with coloured lights left up from Christmas and there was snow falling from the sky leisurely, as though it had no care in the world. The moon hung in the sky as if it had been tossed into its position, its face beaming down at the city as it bustled with the evening energy of New Years Eve. Through the light walked a patch of darkness, a figure with its head hung low, searching the streets for... something. Around it bled the darkness it exuded, the lights seeming to dim as it got closer to them.

Then the figure took a turn down a street that was brighter than the one it had originally been on; from the distance came soft sounds of tuning instruments and a crowd gathering. Of course, the figure left the street before reaching the stage that had been set up in the park that stood where the street ended, disappearing into the trees that surrounded it.

On the stage, a small band was set up, nearly ready to play, and the crowds excitement was growing as the clock ticked forward. On the edge of the figures conscious, were the feelings of everyone in the crowd and in the band, just out of his reach, frustrating him. He had learned to live with his... disability now, for the most part. The crowds were harder, knowing that he couldn't have an escape plan if he needed it was what had driven him away from larger cities for a long time, but it was easier to hide in crowds. And somewhere within this crowd was a mind that he could feel stronger than the others.

The thoughts were strong, floating at the edges of his reach but closer somehow, as though if he tried just a little harder he could reach them; if he were a little closer. His eyes scanned the crowd trying to pinpoint the mind that was so close to his own, but couldn't seem to find the face that belonged to it, until he looked up at the stage. A woman stepped out, long blonde hair falling around her face effortlessly, her eyes scanning, but calm, and her lips turning up into an easy smile as she looked out into the crowd, her eyes resting for a moment on the trees where the figure lurked.

The concert started and as the velvet female voice reached the listeners ears, they calmed and listened with rapture, waiting until she finished her song before applauding vehemently. It was the same with each song, a cycle of calm listening followed by roaring applause. Even the figure found himself drawn into the singers voice, further resigned to speaking to her after her concert, which turned out to not be long at all.

It seemed there would be some sort of party after that the crowd was welcome to join, or so said the soft voice from the stage. The crowd was less calm when she spoke now, screaming for her attention, but she didn't indulge them, disappearing backstage. This was his chance. The figure made his way toward the backstage area, not sure just yet how he would make his way to speak to her without his powers but he would find a way.

Or maybe he wouldn't have to. She was waiting, just outside the gated off area backstage, watching him as he approached, the same easy smile on her face, though from this distance, the edges of her smile seemed forced, as though she was holding back, which, the figure would be she was. His hunch had been right though, being closer to her had brought their minds closer together. He could feel her tingling, so close.

"Hey, great show," came his voice, it's deep vibrato sending delicious tingles down the woman's spine.

"Thank you, always nice to hear from a fan," she replied, working hard to keep the intrigue off her face. She was drawn to him, something made her want to be nearer to him, though that wasn't how it usually worked. She was used to having to reject men after a performance. "I should be getting back, I have a party to get to," she said, though she did not really want to go.

"Why don't I join you?" He flexed his mind, feeling hers closer, as if it was reaching out to him. Maybe she would be the key to getting his ability back.

"Sure, let's hurry though. It's just going to get colder out here," she replied easily, not even a moment's hesitation. She was ready to return backstage when she spun back around, looking him in the eyes, the jade colour swirling with confusion and something else she couldn't seem to understand. "I should get your name."

He was broken out of his momentary shock, a sly grin spreading over his face. He knew there was a reason he loved New Years. "Damien."

"Vee," She responded with a smile and Damien thought this night was about to get a whole lot more fun. 

***Starting something new after binge listening to The Bright Sessions. I highly recommend this show and will be posting links related to it with each chapter. If you like what I've done so far, comment and let me know. This is only the beginning. Enjoy. RWB <3***

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