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A little blonde girl walked into her new guild, she had joined a few days ago, her mother had died a few months ago and she needed to be out of that house. A little pink haired boy that had joined a few months ago greeted her first and they quickly became friends.

She learned that his name was Natsu and that he was raised by a dragon. She stuck close to his side because a lot of the others in the guild were scary to her. She knew they didn't mean any harm, but when they broke out into fights, it made her shake in fear.

Natsu and Gray fought a lot, so she sat off to the side to wait for him to be done. She wasn't scared by Gray all that much, but he did strip a lot. The one person she wished she knew more was this scarlet haired girl, she had heard her name was Erza, and she had beaten both Gray and Natsu with ease. The only person beside Natsu that she's grown close with was a little brunette girl named Cana.

Right now, she was sitting in a nearby chair with her doll, Gonzales, in her arms. She was watching Gray and Natsu's scuffle when she heard footsteps approach her.

"Hey, you're Lucy, right?" Lucy felt shivers run up her spine at the sight of Erza, her eyes grew wide in fear.

"E-Erza" Lucy squeaked out, her voice high-pitch. Erza raised her hand to brush her thick scarlet braid behind her. Lucy watched in fear at the raised hand and quickly tensed up, slamming her eyes shut, preparing for the hit.

"I'm sorry for what I did, please don't hit me" Lucy whimpered out, she clutched Gonzales closer to her. Tears rolled down Lucy's face and her whole body was shaking.

"Hey, what are you doing!?" Natsu shouted, he broke his fight with Gray and rushed over to Lucy, the raven haired boy watched from the side. At his shout, everyone looked over at the three as well.

"I-I didn't-" Erza stuttered, upset that she apparently frightened the girl to tears. Natsu wrapped the little girl in a hug and she cried into his chest, clinging onto him tightly.

"Please, make it stop, don't let him hurt me, Natsu" Lucy cried, he quickly put her on his back and gave her a piggy back ride out of the guild. Erza watched on with surprise and guilt. She had heard that Lucy had a bad past, but she never expected that. Cana and Gray walked up to her after the pink haired boy left the guild.

"What was that about?" Cana asked, Gray shrugged but watched Erza.

"She had said Don't let him hurt me, so she wasn't talking about me, and whoever this him was, obviously had a huge impact on Lucy enough to where just raising my hand scared her to tears" Erza told them, her hand held her jaw, thinking about Lucy's reaction.

When she had seen a shaking, little, blonde girl walk into the guild, looking absolutely frightened, she wanted to help her. Natsu had stepped in before her, so she never got a chance, especially since she was glued to his side.

"I have to go apologize" Erza spoke suddenly, Gray stumbled back as Erza stepped toward him.

"Where does Natsu live?" Erza glared at him,

"I-I dunno, I don't think he lives any where" Gray told her nervously, the 12 year old grunted and turned toward the guild's exit.


"NATSU!!" Erza shouted from the top of her lungs, she's looked everywhere for the two, but hasn't spotted either of them. As Erza wandered toward the edge of town, she saw a little blonde girl and a pink haired boy.

"Lucy! Natsu!" Erza smiled, she ran toward them. Natsu and Lucy turned their heads and they both spotted Erza. Lucy froze in her place, and Natsu grinned and lit his fists on fire. She rolled her eyes and easily beat him, he started sweating and ran off toward the guild. The blonde looked after him as he ran away, her eyes were wide as she trembled.

"Hey, hey, calm down" Erza knelt down and gently brushed away the bangs from Lucy's face, Lucy sniffled and shyly looked up at Erza.

"Hi" Erza greeted the blonde with a smile, the smaller girl let out a meek Hi in return. Their eyes met and Lucy shyly ducked her head.


The next day, Erza had walked into the guild. A little blonde girl was lightly holding onto her hand as they walked into the building. Lucy had stayed the night at Erza's place, the girls talked with each other practically all night, instantly clicking with the other.

Erza didn't want to bring up what happened in the guild hall earlier that day in order to not scare Lucy. The blonde on the other hand learned that Erza is anything but scary, and she was not frightened by her anymore. Lucy had snuggled up to Erza and fell asleep rather quickly.

Natsu approached the girls with a large grin on his face. Not remembering what happened yesterday at all.

"Hey, Lucy, where'd you run off to yesterday?" Erza glared at him and punched him in the face,

"Hey, no fair, Erza!" Natsu yelled, she ignored him and kept on walking. Cana walked up to them next, taking her chances.

"Hey, Lucy" Cana greeted with a smile, the youngest of the three smiled back at her.

"Hi, Cana" Lucy greeted,

"Hello, Cana" Erza nodded, the brunette nervously nodded at Erza.

"Hi, Erza. Oh, did you guys see? We got three new members" Cana smiled,

"We did?" Lucy's excitement surprised herself and her two new friends,

"Yeah, their names are Lisanna, Elfman, and Mirajane. Mirajane's the oldest, but other than that we don't know much about her, she's really quiet and grumpy" Cana told them, the two girls looked over and spotted the eldest Strauss sibling sitting at the bar, a solemn look on her face.

So pretty Lucy and Erza thought, a slight blush on the 10 and 12 year old's faces. When they continued to look at the girl, the 11 year old Cana shrugged and walked toward Gray.

Mirajane Lucy smiled softly as did Erza.

And that's how this story began.

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