It had been the greatest day of my life, up until this point that is. Oh, come ON. It was November 8th, my birthday. I didn't even care that it was a schoolday, since I has a class with her. Who is her, you ask? Class Represenative, Ayumi Shinozaki. Horror and paranormal lover, and my crush ever since she saved me from getting expelled. Wha--What do you mean, 'why'? Tch, thinking I deserve to be expelled? Hmph!
Oh, right. Well, it was all going fine, Shinozaki was completely fawning over me, saying I'm her one and--OWW! [Shinozaki, that hurt!] Okay okay, We were just alone at lunch talking. Mind you, I was hell of nervous. I mean, come on. She might be short, but she was pretty cute. [Calm down, class rep. It was an insulting compliment...Heh. You all should see her face right now! Woah--Hey, I'm not giving you the microphone--GET OFF. AGH--]
Hello! Class Rep Ayumi Shinozaki here! I apologize for all the trouble Kishinuma's caused. He didn't even say WHO he was when he was talking.
Oh, yes. The story of what happened! Got it. Well, like the baka over there said, we were alone at lunch. We already went through Heavenly Host's hell, and only five of us came out. Kishinuma, Mochida (Satoshi), Mochida (Yuka), Naomi, and I. Its been a year since then, and we're still not haunted by those nightmares. But, another hell happened. A gang of gunmen had come to the school and kept everyone imprisoned! We managed to get out okay, but a lot of people were injured or killed trying to fight back.
Yes, It was terrifying. Hmm, Where should I begin. Oh, on the day it started. It was a bright, sunny day...