a very bad kitten

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"Fuck, hyung, just stop squirming!" Jimin cried, trying his hardest to pin Namjoon to the chair by his thick thighs, "You're making this way harder than it has to be!"

"I'm not squirming," Namjoon hissed back, his thighs shaking as Jimin held them down with his small yet strong hands.

"Look it will be over with soon okay, I'll be gentle," Jimin soothed, opting to take a softer approach because he'd noticed small tears forming in the corners of his leader's wide eyes.

"I don't understand why I have to do this anyway," Namjoon grumbled, looking away as Jimin pressed a cold waxing pad to his shin.

"Because the directors want you in shorts, idiot," Jimin snapped, rubbing his hand across the pad and leaving it to fix to the older boy's golden skin, reading the packet and groaning as he read it would take five minutes. Namjoon's leg hair was practically a forest so this would take up the whole day.

Namjoon let out a loud shocked gasp, "Just me?"

"Yes, just you," Jimin rolled his eyes, getting even more annoyed with his hyung by the second.

"Why me?" Namjoon mourned, closing his eyes and whimpering highly like a child.

"Probably because you've got the best legs!" Jimin pointed out, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Namjoon looked down at him then, his thick eyebrows flurried in confusion, "No I don't."

"Yes you do," Jimin replied, running his hands across the boy's thick tanned thighs, "you've got the best legs out of all of us. They're so long, and your thighs are actual works of art, hyung. It's not fair."

"Why isn't it?" Namjoon asked, pushing away at Jimin's small hands because they were travelling further up his inner thighs and he was sensitive there and he didn't feel like getting tickled today, not after the rather wet incident that had happened last time. Taehyung and Yoongi still teased him about that and Namjoon's face flushed at the memory.

"You don't even work out!" Jimin cried out, slapping his hand across Namjoon's knee.

"Yes I do," the older boy mumbled, rubbing at his sore reddened knee because Jimin was way stronger than he looked.

"Namjoon," Jimin sighed, "ten minutes on a running machine once a month does not count as working out."

The older boy honestly didn't have an answer to that, so he stayed still in the chair, crossing his long arms across his chest and sulking, pouting his plush lips. Jimin ignored him and pressed another waxing pad to his other leg, and Namjoon shivered from the cold touch. One of the best things about winter was not having to wax his stupidly long legs, but now spring was here and he was being forced into a pair of shorts for the filming of their Japanese music video for Spring Day.

He was glad it was Jimin who had put himself up for doing this with him though. Last time it had been Yoongi, who had ripped out Namjoon's leg hair with enough force to have him screaming, biting down on his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. But Jimin was gentle and his hands were soft, unlike Yoongi's, who's veiny hands felt like sandpaper against Namjoon's golden skin. His hyung never bothered to use hand cream because he was sensitive to it's smell.

As they waited for the wax to activate he thought carefully about the younger boy's words. Jimin sat down on another chair that they'd dragged into the bathroom, sitting opposite from Namjoon, taking selcas, alternating between cute pouts and serious glares. Namjoon looked away from him to glance down at his long legs, stretching them out so he could get a good look at them. He'd always hated his legs. They were either too boney or too fat because he couldn't seem to maintain his weight like the rest of his group. They were covered in small scars from his falls, mostly around his knees, but we're also dotted with brown moles.

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