the days before I started to understand who I really am was hard and I didn't understand why I couldn't figure it out before I mean I started to realize it in August 2013 that this one boy was amazing and I wanted him to be part of my life and that's when everything started to change and be different in a good way of course I mean it couldn't have been better anyway he and I started talking and getting to know each other and he's pretty amazing and sweet but all of a sudden he stopped talking to me and I didn't know why well in october 2013 I rode home with him after school and he was my first kiss and I thought that we wouldn't be friends after that because I was moving and he stopped talking to me again but he and I started talking and he is now my best guy friend I realized that I started changing in may around my birthday and I started to be girlier than usual and I asked my friends what was going on and they said that its because you are starting to grow up . well now that I have decided to go back to my favorite school again ill be graduating class of 2016 and Im going to go to school for art and photography