Image not having a family. Just knowing the simple fact that your own birth parents gave you up and the hard part is that you don’t even know who they are or what you did wrong to deserve it. Image the hurt of that burden on your back all the time and having nothing to reassure you.
Alexandria, or Alex, grew up in an orphanage all her life being a slave to the ones to own it. She was treated like she was a garbage man, called to pick up and do stuff for others, and never getting to see anything but a pile of trash every week. It was either Los Angeles or in Dorchester, London. Living in Los Angeles was the only option they gave her. She was never one for planes.
After she turned 16, she was “to old” to live in an orphanage anymore so Chelsea kicked her out with nothing but the clothes on Alexandria’s back. Without an education, there’s nothing that can be done around here in Los Angeles. She was left to roam the streets until she could do something with herself.
But little did she know, her like was about to change. She never understood till now. Alexandria doesn’t even know who she really is anymore.
I am Alexandria and this is the story of my life.
Running in the dark, she tried not to make too much noise. ‘If I can just get to the portal… Come on! Just don’t look back.’ She thought to herself. Behind her, she could hear the banging of hooves of a wumble. ‘Come on! Almost there!’ she encouraged herself. She made it to the edge of the mountain. She glanced behind her and could see they were gaining on her fast.
She had only minutes left before she would die herself. She began to stretch her back. Biting her lip to hold in a scream, she arched her back and wings began it come from her back. She squeezed her eyes together and relaxed once her wings were out. The tips of her wings were red and formed a raindrop that fell down to the bottom of her back. The wings itself had a pale blue white tint to its feathers.
Looking down, she could see the portal shining. She arched her wings and started to jump. Before she could make it to the air, she was dragged back by the claws of the very thing she was trying to get away from. A Wumble. She landed with so much force that her wings cracked against the flat rock behind her bending in a weird position. She pulled out a cube that was hidden in her coat not worrying about her own injuries. When you look close, you could see the outline of a tiny baby.
Before she could admire anymore, she was lifted and throw to the edge of the cliff. The cube in her hands was no longer near her but was perfectly balanced between the cliff and thin air. She stretched her hands to reach it. For if it fell it would be lost in a demission she would never know of. ‘A little more…almost there.’ She thought. She almost reached it when she was pulled into the air. Her eyes never left that box.
She winced as the claws penetrated her skin, but still never took her eyes off of that box. She watched it fall to the portal. Worry filling her soul, she felt tears falling from her face. She scream for that box, for her only hope, her future. Her only child that would carry out her destiny. Her precious Alexandria. Her screams faded while she was dropped to the red grass underneath her. As her heart was slowing, she whispered to the wumble, “You will never know where she is now. And tell him she will kill him herself…just. Like... The prophe...” Her words faded along with her last breath.