The Begging of a New Romance?

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So this all begins with a boy. Two boys. Not one. So shall we get started?

So I have always liked these two boys. Liam and Brandon. I don't really know why, but for some odd reason I had a crush on both of them for the longest time. Well, the most dreaded things of all things happened...both of them found out I liked them. Brandon found out from one of my closer friends and I honestly I don't know how Liam found out. They both knew I liked them. Brandon just flirted with me sometimes, and then stopped. He completely confused me, and if you were to ask me...BOYS SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO LEAD ON GIRLS. Unless of course they like the girl. Then it's completely fine!

So Brandon would lead me on...stop...lead me on...stop. We would text and talk to each other at school. Our school took a trip to Washington D.C. and he was on the same bus as I was, so we talked pretty much the whole time there and back. It was pretty awesome. You may think..."Isn't like a girls dream for her crush to talk to her like her best friend?". Yes, yes it is...but in this particular case, no. I mean I loved having Brandon flirt with me, but it was never going to happen and I just felt like he was leading me on for me to get my hopes up.


Okay this is where things get pretty awesome. One night, Carly had come over to my house and we were watching a movie. As we were channel surfing, I looked over my shoulder and I had a Snapchat from "sexyliam147" which is Liam's Snapchat username. I un-locked my phone, opened the app, then opened his Snapchat. You want to know what it said? "Do you wanna go to prom with me?"

Our school hosts a prom like event at the end of the year and it's basically prom but not an actual prom. So this is where I am going to freak out for just a bear with me.

"LIAM JUST FREAKING ASKED ME...AVERY LYNCH TO PROM! HOLY FREAKING MOTHER OF JESUS. WAIT WHAT DO I SAY." Not to mention this all happened around midnight so I was looking about as ratchet as it gets. I didn't, COULDN'T send a Snapchat back. I decided I was going to text him my answer. I looked over at Carly, and I said, "Carly"

"Yeeesss?" Carly said.

*laughing as I talk* "Guess what just happened?"


*continues laughing*


"Liam asked me to prom!"

"Wait...the Liam you like?"





So...I SAID YES! You should have known I was going to! DUH. ITS FREAKING LIAM...MY CRUSH FOR CHRIST SAKE!

Since what I had hopped for at the time was going to be the best night of my better believe fantasized about it. I already had the perfect dress, the best shoes, and awesome hair style planned. Sometimes I would dream that he asked me out and we would spend the summer together and it would be amazing. But so far...NOTHING!

As people started to find out the Liam and I were going to the prom together, slowly and slowly people would awe and tell me how cute we were going to be...I secretly was like, "DUH WHAT ELSE COULD WE BE!" As everyone found out and awed, Brandon would tease the both of us. How we were going to slow dance, and look all spiffy, and just how it was cute how we were going, and how he knew that he was going to ask me out! Well I told him never, and again, secretly thought..."HELL TO THE FREAKING YES! I HOPE HE ASKS ME OUT!"

Hey sorry I haven't updated this. I deleted the app and recently just added it back. Please be on the watch for more updates I will try and have two or more chapters up by the end of this week. I had to written but they got deleted somehow and now I have to rewrite those. Thanks for being patient.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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