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People need to understand how your words impact people. Even if they act like they don't care. They'll think about it for hours tonight. When they lay down, they'll wonder if what you said is really true. They'll think and think and begin to see themself the way you treat them. So when you called that guy ugly, just because his hair isn't perfect or his clothes aren't expensive, think about this:

he's raising his three siblings right now because his parents party all night. He's struggling to keep them happy, he doesn't have time to style his hair. The second he gets out of school, he's going straight to his job, to work until 7:00 p.m., when his siblings get home from daycare, which is his only option right now. And thst money he's working his butt off for, none of it goes to him. It goes to those siblings. Not his clothes.

You don't see that though. You only see what's on the surface. There's a story behind his laugh and his fake smiles. There's a story behind it all. A story that you'll never understand enough to judge.

So think before you speak please. Compliment someone today. Make someone feel special. Everyone needs it at times. Treat people the way you want to feel. Spread the word my friends 😊

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