Chapter 1

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"Good enough?"                                                                                                             "perfect, in everyway."

           The first day of school was always hardest for me. Today was going to be the first day of my senior year in high school. But at the same time, I've never been so excited in my life! This was the year I wouldn't let any of the girls pick on me, this was the year I stand up for myself, this was the year my grades are even better!

                                                     that was until, he came along.

              "Anastasia, get down here! You can't be late for the first day of school!" My mother, Lilian MacBeth, yelled from the downstairs kitchen.

               As I rolled out of bed, my phone dinged from the other side of the room.

*instagram*- biggestandbaddest has requested to follow you

                So many thoughts were running through my half-asleep mind I couldn't focus on my instagram at the moment.

                "Mom, it's only 7 a.m. Fix your watch again." I yelled back at her. Her watch was older than our house and was always messing up without her knowledge.

                I quickly went to the bathroom and jumped into the shower to wash off. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I thought of all the learning opportunities that senior year was calling out to me.

Turning off the shower, I took my hair out of the rollers I kept them in from the night before. As I looked into the mirror I was pleased with my reflection.

All throughout high school I had horrible acne, and my hair was completely cut off above my shoulders. Basically, I looked like a guy. The people in my classes called me 'ruler ron' all of the time. At that point I didn't know what it meant until I asked my mother. But now, after a ton of skincare products, hair masks, and squats, I looked like a normal teenage girl.

I applied a dash of mascara and blush to add to my look of the day and then headed into my closet to wear the outfit I had been dreaming of wearing for years.

It was a white lace dress that cut off above my knee and was a see-through design at the top. My mom had always told me not to wear it until my 'body fully developed' ,today, I can see what she meant.

When I pulled the delicate dress over my head and onto my body, I knew. I knew what she meant. The dress insinuated my 'curves' greatly, I felt perfect.

Once I grabbed my purse and book bag, I ran down the stairs very excited to start my day.

"Let's go mom! Can't be late!" I smiled and kissed my mom on the cheek while running out the door.

"Wow, Ana, the dress looks great on you!" Mom said while locking the door behind her and unlocking the car.

I climbed into the car completely shaking with excitment. "Mom, I feel like this is going to be a great year already!"

Mom just chuckled as I got into my purse and put in my earbuds listening to my favorite music.

"Bye mom, I love you!" I waved to my mom as I got out of the car and started the walk into school.

As soon as I stepped onto the sidewalk people started whispering about me to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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