With All My Heart (A Carter Reynolds love story)

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Kimberlyn's P.O.V.

YES!!!!! I'm so EXCITED! The JB concert is in two hours and i still need to get dressed, pick up my friend Ally,then help HER get ready! UGH so many things to do but still all worth it for THE justin bieber. Oh well. I decided to actually get up and go get ready. I ran to the bathroom with full speed, stripped and turned on the water to the shower. After washing my body and hair, i stepped out of the steamy shower and wrapped a towel around my body. Quickly walking over to my dresser, I pulled out white slightly ripped skinnies, a white into purple shirt, and my undergarments. I got changed and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Wow! A little Bieber a little Reynolds. I like it!" I whispered quietly to myself. After i admired my outfit, I went to my closet and pulled out my purple sandals and lilac beanie. You can never go wrong with beanies! Being those girls that arent really fond of makeup, I only put on a bit of mascara and eyeliner. I LOOKED GOOD!!! I mean like.....ZAYYUUM!!!! Hey, we all have our moments! LOL! I checked the time on my phone and it was now 2 oclock. Okay, I can do this i still have and hour and thrity minutes. Lets do this! I sprinted down the stairs to see my mom watching t.v.

"HI MOM! IM GOING TO ALLY'S AND THEN GOING TO SEE ONE OF MY BAES!!" I yelled while laughing at her expression cuase she has asolutely NO idea what bae means and her face was priceless! FOCUS!!!

"KAY I NEED TO GO MOM! BYE!!" And with that i left outside into the garage and hopped into the car and drove off to ally's. When I got there, I knocked and she opened the door.

"Hey! Wow you look good gurl!" i said sarcasticaly to ally who still was in sweats and a tank.

"Yeah yeah lets go I NEED TO LOOK GOOD FOR THE BIEBS!" i laughed at her again. We walked upstairs and we litterally looked through everything in her closet till we found a cute outfit similar to mine but hers is purple and black. I quickly did her hair and makeup and we were off.

Once we pulled up into the parking lot at the concert, we quickly did last touch ups and we skipped like idiots into the building. We found our seats quite quickly if you might say and it was in the FRONT! In the meantime me and Ally talked about how she wanted to be the O.L.L.G. and I guess we talked for twenty minutes cause we were cut off by the lights dimming and a figure coming on stage.

"AAAHHHHHHHHH" is all you could hear! Theres your answer, Justin Bieber! Me and Ally fangirled and sang along till it came down to the O.L.L.G. time. I looked over at Ally who had a hopefull look on her face. Justin's eyes scanned the room and landed on ALLY!! Kenny came over and tapped her shoulder.

"Hello! Would you like to be the one less lonely girl?" She screamed at the top of her lungs and quickly ran to the backstage with Kenny and left me with ringing ears.

"Hey guys so this is going to be the last song for the night but it will end with a special girl! Please welcome her on stage!" Justin said into the mic. A few seconds later, Ally walked on stage and she had tears of joy streaming down her face. I laughed at her face. Justin started to sing and he kissed her on the cheek and handed her roses.

"WOOH GET SOME ALLY!!" I screamed while clapping like a retarted seal. The song ended and she ran back over and told me EVERYTHING! The concert was over and I was kinda hungry.

"Hey ally? Im going to the snack cart over in the lobby, want anything?"

"Sure! You know my usual! GUMMYWORMS!" I just shook my head smiling and walked off trying to find the cart. YES i found it! I quickly grabbed Ally's gummy worms and wanted to go get my favorite which were the yummy delicious sweedish fish. I was going to grab it until another hand did. My eyes trailed over to the C.A.R.T.E.R. R.E.Y.N.O.L.D.S.! OMG on the inside its MAJOR fangirling but i kept my cool

"Oh um sry you can take it." I said kindly to him

"No you can take it. I have a whole stash at home anyway." We both laughed in unison.

"Well thank you!"

"No problem. The names Carter."


"Thats a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I blushed and looked down. I heard him chuckle.

"Once again thank you carter! you made my day."

"Hahaha your welcome! and can i maybe get your number i mean you dont have to or anything" He said while rubbing the back of his neck. And it was HAWT!

"Sure" i gave him my number and a quick hug and skipped off to Ally. She wasn't in the room so maybe in the bathroom. I started to walk to he bathroom worried and check but no ally. Calling wont work cause there isnt any service. OH! I will try to find some outside! I walked out there and was about to call till i saw ally on her phone. At first i was shocked that she didnt tell me but ill get over it. I quickly ran over to her.

"ally! You made me worried!" Now this time she laughed at me.

"Lol sry ill never do it again"

"I forgive you"

We linked arms and i didnt want to tell her the news about the phone number until we get home cause i know shes going to SCREAM!!! She wont get mad right?

As we were walking to the car, my phone buzzed. I checked and it was from Carter.When i read the text i couldnt believe what it said....

It said.......................


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